I'll Make You Famous…




Victoria Justice Promotes Music in her Underwear in Bed of the Day

I don’t know whether this is Victoria Justice in her underwear or just in her fitness clothing, because fitness clothing is basically underwear, which for whatever reason isn’t enough of a motivator to get your fat ass off the couch and to a gym, probably because you know the girls who wear these fitness outfits in public probably don’t even go to the gym and get fit by starving themselves, where as the women you will find in the gym as all fat pigs you don’t want to see in their underwear.

I do know that this is a solid comeback tour marketing strategy, because the underwear-esque outfit while rolling around in bed with some Austistic Headphones that would cancel the sounds of you creeping up on her opens up some fantasies for some of you creeps which remind you that you like Victoria Justice and want to lick her asshole…

Posted in:Victoria Justice