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Rachel Pizzolato Does Some Bikini Modeling of the Day

Rachel Pizzolato is in a bikini campaign for some brand because she’s got big tits and is a bit of a viral sensation because of her fat tits.

She is an instagram model and a youtuber who was apparently a host on Mythbusters Jr…at 14 years old according to wikipedia…

Which makes me wonder who the fuck was watching Mythbusters Jr hard enough to decide the host is a set of tits you want to fuck when they turn 18…but apparently there are a lot of them….they probably vacation in Thailand if you know what I mean….old joke but a great joke…

For those of us who aren’t stunted pervert predators, she’s 20 years old now, so the tits are the prime age to be perved on without feeling like a high school gym teacher….those tits are in photoshoo, with woman of color of diveristy and equity and inclusivity….and it’s not that magical but a good old fashioned bikini shoot is always worth lookin’ at in this era of the SELFIE.

The highlight of the pics are the stubble or the ingrown hair around her pantyline, I guess they didn’t do a Mythbuster episode on BUSH maintenance.

Posted in:Rachel Pizzolato