I'll Make You Famous…




Anne Hathaway in Some Fuck Me Boots of the Day

I fully endorse the collective hatred for Anne Hathaway, not that it negatively impacts that Oscar winner who won an Oscar for shaving her head, which in the event you didn’t know is hard hitting acting, like rolling around in a wheel chair when pretending to be a war vet who go blown the fuck up….you know PULLING THE HEART STRINGS….

I don’t really know why I don’t have a boner for Anne Hathaway, but I never have and it’s probably because she’s a celebrity and by default you must approach any and all celebs with a deep hatred because they’ve won at life and you have’t they live better than you and barely work and you feel like you deserve that life too….so join a community theatre faggot.

I was a team leader in the Anne Hathaway hate, because there was a time she was celebrated by all…but no one sees me as the TREND SETTING OLD and OUT OF TOUCH….

As it turns out, When a celebrity wears fuck me boots, I think it’s important to put your creepy one-sided differences aside, you see THEY DON’T KNOW YOU EXIST, and do your best attempt at fapping to them, even if you view it as a revenge fapping where your ejaculate is out of anger because of your deep hatred for the star….because Fuck Me Boots deserve it regardless of who is wearing them….

Posted in:Anne Hathaway