I'll Make You Famous…




Protestors Crash Gal Gadot’s Walk of Fame Star Ceremony of the Day

I do not give a fuck about Gal Gadot and I generally like to encourage hate on all celebs, because they are terrible people who have pulled off the scam and think they are important….

I do not give a fuck about protestors or politics, but they are fucking losers and they make me hate them, their politics and whatever nonsense they are crying about, which is always inconsistent and dependent of what is on trend or in-vogue for the moment, because the libtard protestor is an inconsistent retard passionate about the protest and not the actual cause, or actually making moves to make a difference. They are useless entities, who ruin lives and should be sent to live on PROTEST ISLAND where they can protest in peace, while leaving the rest of us at peace.

Gal Gadot is a big famous star apparently, because she was given the honor to buy her own star for the Hollywood Walk of Fame, which literally cements herself as a figure in the film and television industry, it wasn’t just a fluke, she really matters and she will forever matter, or at least until the city is sucked into a giant sink hole after the big one comes….PLEASE COME BIG ONE….and not in a perverted way, which I am sure many people have said while watching or waiting for Gadot in her various action movies, like Wonder Woman….assuming they call their sad peniles “Big One”.

Gal Gadot is an Israeli spy, who got stationed in California to get that insider information and I’m pretty sure she lives in Los Angeles and not Israel.

To the people with no lives, she’s pro Israel, as she probably should be, it’s where she is from and is potentially her actual employer outside of all her Hollywood money that affords things like sidewalk tiles in the middle of a city.

Palestine / Gaza protestors decided to personally attack Gadot and make the shit going on in her country about her….because they have nothing better to do and figured it would be high profile and make the news….they were right.

It is possible that she paid them to push the agenda, to propagandize the whole thing, acting like she’s a victim of Israel hate, to hype the story of her Star she spent a lot of money on, or to keep the wars in the middle east top of mind. BORING.

Gadot, even if she’s a spy for the country, probably has nothing to do with any wars or political unrest in her country or neighboring countries….

All these people being so passionate about nonsense, like other countries, while watching their own countries be destroyed, when their voices and VOTES don’t matter, should learn to stop with the social justice, should stop virtue signaling and find happiness worrying about themselves, their towns or just focus on jerking off to Gal Gadot like the good old days instead of trying to get the witch stoned like she was in Salem….

They can come together for this shit, maybe they should come together on crackers watching a Gal Gadot movie, at least they’ll get a dopamine hit.

Let the starlet get the fucking star she paid for in fucking peace.

We have no control over anything, so let’s just remain the useless eating mouth breathers who consume all the shit these people sell to us….paid back by allowing us to stare at their tits.

Here’s some videos:


Posted in:Gal Gadot


