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Bebe Rexha’s Fat Ass in a Skimpy Swimsuit of the Day

Bebe Rexha is a big girl in her 30s. She was a songwriter who wrote for other people, got rich and decided she needed the pop glory, not realizing that she was putting herself out there in a way that people could just make fun of her for being fat, but maybe that kind of abuse is her fetish.

The truth is that some dudes like fat chicks, or at least fat asses, they like the idea of being smothered by them and even initiate feeding the fetish by feeding their girlfriends into fatness….

I don’t really believe that we are wired to like fatties for being healthier options to have babies with, sure maybe in Africa tribal setting, but here it just seems like it’s the unhealthy option….

I love fat shaming as much as the next guy, but I am torn because she’s wearing a bathing suit up her ass…almost a thong…a fetish…especially since all the cottage cheese has been edited out thanks to the AI apps.

I don’t know if the swimsuit is actually a thong cut, or if her ass is just so big it turns everything, even pants into a thong…but does it really matter?

Here are the pics…

Posted in:Bebe Rexha