I'll Make You Famous…




Katy Perry’s Topless Outfit for Attention of the Day

Katy Perry has always been a depressing figure in pop culture because we’ve all known she doesn’t belong where she ended up and we all know that no matter how hard she convinces herself of it…that she knows she doesn’t belong there either.

She is just not a very convincing popstar or celebrity and I know she’s got the fans, the money, the brainwashing, but she just sucks too hard for it to be anything but brainwashing.

She has decided to comeback to the music scene and get paid, cash in again, see how hard she can milk this scheme and she’s bringing out the big guns.

She’s showing up to events topless, obviously not topless enough for it be interesting, all because the AI has told her that people only care about her tits….

She’s looking a little ripped now, which is weird since she’s been chunky since she started, just heavy set cankles clunking around on stage….

Which means she’s either jacked on her menopause testosterone like those lesbians moms you’ve seen….or she’s taken pharma hard…

It wasn’t that long ago that she was a fat pig, so clearly something’s up….

The tits are out, the tits being used, and really that’s the best she can do to keep us looking….because tits keep us looking…it’s just perfectly desperate for someone who’s been consistently desperate..

She also wore a RED DRESS in her quest to get her menopause tits noticed…and it’s a little fucking terrifying….but it’s still tits…so you know you win some and you lose some…take what you get…even if you’re conflicted.

Posted in:Katy Perry


