I'll Make You Famous…




Christina Aguilera and her Botox Face and Ozempic Body Get Slutty of the Day

45 year old Christina Aguilera said some shit about how people sexualized her and it was unfair and inappropriate even though she had bolt on tits she’d show off when not making out with Madonna or rolling around in the mud for a Music video…..

She also said how unfair the people are for fat shaming her when she ended up being a 200 pound MOOMOO wearing pig of a singer, channeling Urethra Franklin or some shit, and upset people were like “look hot fat Aguilera is, she must be eating her feelings from the TRAUMA of being diddled as a kid coming up in the industry of perverts”….

Then she goes out and takes some kind OZEMPIC type medication, she claims she doesn’t take, despite the fact that she’s been 200 pounds for 15 years and dropped all the weight in a matter of months….so she probably takes a different version of OZEMPIC so she can deny til she dies….and pretend this is all nature motherfuckers…

Then she’s got this porn face, that’s got no wrinkles, just a straight up sex doll who dances around and squats in a skirt that shows her panties….clearly wanting you to jerk off to her….trying to prove menopause isn’t all that bad…

So it’s like that MEME…

X-TINA is “don’t sexualize me”…..

Also X-Tina…..this video:

Posted in:X-Tina