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Archive for the X-Tina Category




X-Tina Aguilera Walking Around with her Pants Off at 45 of the Day


I am a firm believer that women have expiry dates.

That doesn’t mean that I don’t find it hilarious to see these old weathered bitches who are at the age where they no longer give a fuck and their shame and insecurities are thrown out the fucking window, so they try to compete with the young hot chicks by creating their smut out of desperation.

Despite finding it unattractive when a dried up menopausal pussy tries to whore itself out, especially when it’s a fucking mom pussy, I’ll still watch it go down.

So the fat X-Tina taking her Ozempic and deciding that it’s time to bring her asshole out to the mainstream is a level of pathetic desperation that we wish the rich and celebrated starlet had when she was younger.

She’s not out there doing an OnlyFans, but she seems to be on that path and not for the money, just to prove to herself that she’s still worth jerking off to.

So the age limits on bikinis are real, old ladies are vile, but we still have to look and we’d still have to fuck it if given the chance like the road kill that it is….we are men, it’s our duty.

We used to call this last week’s kitchen garbage, but at this age it’s last years kitchen garbage…but the face injections, sunglasses and Ozempic keep her more youthful than her half dead twat.

Just imagine what she looks like fresh out of the shower, without the AI and movie magic make-up….


Posted in:X-Tina




X-Tina Aguilera Looks Like a Weathered Hooker of the Day

X-Tina Aguilera has come back from Fat Camp, where she’s spent the last 15 years getting fatter and fatter before realizing that she could just take Ozempic and get back into fighting form….

In her case fighting form is looking like a weathered street hooker with some 90s fake tits that are about to explode because the plastic technology wasn’t that great back then and they didn’t plan for this kind of longevity. It was new tech, they did their best, but they couldn’t be sure what the long term effects would be.

Her hard and overly smooth face is disturbing since she’s 45….but I can get through it because weathered hookers who are starving is hot to me, since it’s usually the affordable one.

In X-Tina’s case, she’s high profile pop star diva and unaffordable, but still trashy, so that works as a concept even if you can’t pay 50 dollars to have it suck your dick…

She also dropped some merch, where she really got to show off her breast implants in tight pants thanks to Ozempic…

The shirt has a titty/nipple design which is weird….but I’m into tits and girls wearing titty tops with drawings of tits, or cut outs to the tits, since I’m into tits.

It’s all pretty creepy, but I guess in a good way because it’s in a still fuckable way, but it’s X-Tina, she’d be fuckable at all stages of life AND death…I mean the right fan would fuck her cremated ashes if given the chance…X-Tina Aguilera – Always Fuckable…

Posted in:X-Tina




X-Tina Aguilera’s Big Titty Old Lady Tits Survived Ozempic of the Day

It’s election day – more like ERECTION and X-Tina Aguilera brought out the demonic tits in hopes of helping because like all the other owned celebrities are pushing for Harris Wallz like it was the Obama era and they still had influence.

It’s been a pretty creepy campaign to watch as someone who sees these industry puppets in their insincere scripted bullshit, that is no relatable to the average persona and this is actually creepy to the average person.

It’s like why does a whore with fake tits like Aguilera feel the need to push her politics on me….and why doesn’t she want Trump to win? Why is it a targeted media attack on Trump, does Aguilera really follow these issues and know what is best for the country, or is she just pushing the propaganda like she’s trained to do?

I am find with it when she wants to push her tits on me, just not actually on me, more like a high profile OnlyFans chick pushing on me, where she’s pushing it on the collective and wouldn’t actually interact with the individual, but with the power of the screen, we can pretend she’s doing it for me, even though if I showed up at her house, I’d be arrested….that’s not very nice to the fans of the tits…

But they sure like the attention they get for us….

We’re not political, but from my perspective, the demons are scrambling because after all these years, it’s safe to assume that the celebs are demons and we can only hope they don’t win for the benefit of all of us. People who don’t care about you sure seem to want you to choose their person and that’s disturbing. People who think they are better than you….want you to choose their person….

I get that the people are just brainwashed and retarded and in another fucking dimension or timeline but it was more fun when we were brainwashed by the tits and just the tits and not the other bullshit spells they are trying on us…

So here’s her Halloween video where she’s shockingly dressed like a blood sucking vampire for Harris, which is probably something she learned as a teen being put through the Disney casting process before the whole becoming famous thing.

Big tits that survived Ozempic cuz they are fake….FUN.


Posted in:X-Tina




X-Tina Aguilera’s Porn Tits of the Day

Here’s some Christina Aguilera looking like she’s just walked out of a strip club, shot her first anal scene, because she’s tired of the dance life and wants the glam of being a gutter porn chick banged out on camera for 1000 dollars a day, which is good money just not really that good to be banged out on camera, but it allows you to build a porn celebrity from the jerk off fans who will subscribe to your personal fan channels to make that real money.

Sure Aguilera is a pop star chick with a lot of money, but that doesn’t mean the 50 year old mom can’t get on OZEMPIC to lean out, can’t get new implants or a push up bra to secure the existing implants in a way that they look bargain basement and from the early 90s….

She can bleach the hair, jack up the fact like a muppet cum rag and look as glorious as the bootleg porn awards, because she didn’t quite make it to the top of the actual porn awards…

The whole experience – MAGICAL.


Posted in:X-Tina




X-Tina Aguilera Spreads her Legs So You Smell her Menopause of the Day

X-Tina Aguilera has recently lost about 77 pounds of gross as fuck fat that she’s been carrying around for about 10 or more years.

She denies it being from Ozempic or some other tactics, just good old fashioned diet and exercise…

You want to believe that she went the natural route when looking at her, but then you see that her hair color and her face far tighter than you old wrinkled and dried up and grey pussy….you can’t see any of that so it’s all a fucking illusion.

Lucky for us, the tranny face of X-Tina is complimented by some fuck me boots and shorts riding up that sad old vagina and it’s only magical if you don’t believe in modern science and medications to drop weight, or to inject faces…but I bet that won’t stop you from wanting to inject her in your own way…RIGHT?!

Posted in:X-Tina




Christina Aguilera and her Botox Face and Ozempic Body Get Slutty of the Day

45 year old Christina Aguilera said some shit about how people sexualized her and it was unfair and inappropriate even though she had bolt on tits she’d show off when not making out with Madonna or rolling around in the mud for a Music video…..

She also said how unfair the people are for fat shaming her when she ended up being a 200 pound MOOMOO wearing pig of a singer, channeling Urethra Franklin or some shit, and upset people were like “look hot fat Aguilera is, she must be eating her feelings from the TRAUMA of being diddled as a kid coming up in the industry of perverts”….

Then she goes out and takes some kind OZEMPIC type medication, she claims she doesn’t take, despite the fact that she’s been 200 pounds for 15 years and dropped all the weight in a matter of months….so she probably takes a different version of OZEMPIC so she can deny til she dies….and pretend this is all nature motherfuckers…

Then she’s got this porn face, that’s got no wrinkles, just a straight up sex doll who dances around and squats in a skirt that shows her panties….clearly wanting you to jerk off to her….trying to prove menopause isn’t all that bad…

So it’s like that MEME…

X-TINA is “don’t sexualize me”…..

Also X-Tina…..this video:

Posted in:X-Tina




X-Tina Got Looking Like a Fuck Doll of the Day

X-Tina Aguilera, who grew into her huge fake tits back when she was in her 30s, decided to starve herself or OZEMPIC herself into that original little body with the bolt on tits the world loved during her pop career…in what was probably the golden age for pop stars at least in this internet generation because those pop stars were the last of that selling CD money making machine and are now packaged as icons…

In being an ICON she’s got a Vegas tour, that she’s dressed in lingerie for, her bolt on tits spilling out, her cameltoe strong…and despite being in her 40s, it’s kind of entertaining if you’re into bimbo blow-up dolls, which for some of you may be all you’ve ever had because real women are scary and REAL DOLLS are expensive….

Posted in:X-Tina




X-TINA Promotes Lube in Target of the Day

In one of the weirder social media influencer campaigns, we’ve got X-Tina Aguilera, super star pop star from days gone by, promoting a sex product like LUBE because she’s middle aged and her pussy is dried up, or maybe she just needs it to fit all the large objects she inserts in herself in hoping to feel something in her dead pop star soul…

So the product being a lube is a weird one, but we’re all fucking perverts and into fucking and watching porn as society declines so it’s not all that weird….

But the shoot took place in a Target, that you can assume was the first time Aguilera ever went to a Target and that they are pretending she is shopping at the target, when she’s got people to do that for her….

If anything, they actually LOCKED down the Target to coordinate this campaign to fake her shopping for lube at Target….and that’s some TWILIGHT zone / Black Mirror weirdness…

Posted in:X-Tina




X-Tina Aguilera Pretends to Care About Women for Financial Gain of the Day

Here’s Christina Aguilera doing a cash grab for some political agenda bullshit, because nothing says a corporation I want to boycott than one that gets involved in political talking points, instead of just doing their bullshit job of ride share….

So as Lyft pushes some corporate agenda to celebrate Women’s History Month, because International Women’s Day wasn’t enough, or the right to vote wasn’t enough, or the right to work and pay taxes wasn’t enough, or the right to be taken seriously in the home instead of being used as a breeding machine before being killed off and replaced with a younger model wasn’t enough…..

But not just women, they are also celebrating dudes who pretend they are women….or NON BINARIES….

Which as a man you should take serious offense to this…because their being INCLUSIVE by linking women drivers, with women passengers, excluding men who identify as men, because an app should know what I identify as in my psychosis….

I’d be mad, but for those of you who have ever driven with a woman is probably an ideal thing, save the women drivers for the chicks and trannies, I’m more interested in arriving alive….

What a dumb fucking feature….

More importantly, X-Tina Aguilera is a huge money grubbing star, so there’s no way she’s not making 1,000,000 dollars off this “Collab” where she lazily reads a script, not even creating an original song for the money….

Pretending to give a fuck about women, or women’s empowerment, when she reduces women to fuck objects….or did in her early days through her sensationalized fake tits rolling in mud music video…

More importantly, that 1,000,000 dollar spend on Aguilera, could have been contributed to actual women in need, rather than some woman with too much money…

So fuck LYFT and their virtue signalling bullshit, this is offensive….mainly because Aguilera isn’t empowering herself with her tits out…as she does this cash grab political posturing…

Posted in:X-Tina




X-Tina in Some Fuck Me Boots of the Day

Christina Aguilera may be another one of these old timers trying to make that comeback because she sees how easy it is for a pile of shit like Taylor Swift to make a billion dollars with no talent, just some relatable to retard lyrics about love and a mid-ranged look that made her feel like the middle of the road girl she really is, amplifying the relatable.

So she’s pulled off some serious weightloss, is doing a Vegas show to dip a toe back into performing and despite being 45, still looks hot to me….I figure the years of rest and doing nothing has allowed her to preserve coupled with botox and other non-invasive things these people do to look like botched porn chicks who carry all that porn damage on their shoulders…

I’m a fan of X-Tina, I think pop culture should have evolved a little more than it has, I mean it’s always the same old guard the last 20 years, the new blood just doesn’t penetrate on the same level, even though they grew up on porn and penetrate on other levels…

Point of the story, we need new icons, but at least this old one is still worth cumming on her glasses.

Posted in:X-Tina