I'll Make You Famous…




Salma Hayek’s Strong Jaw in a Bikini of the Day

Salma Hayek was a celebrity who was human trafficked to a multi-billionaire, who despite being old, was probably the bratty son of a multi-billionaire before becoming a billionaire himself, so you know there were some tantrums and whining in his sociopathic rich guy attempt to get the girl from the big screen onto his rich man dick, or maybe onto the big dick of some men they use to cuckold before he murders them at the human hunt that rich guys organize in Eastern Europe because they can.

Point of the story, she’s old and despite the strong jaw that I never realized was as strong as it is, making me think you’d be gay if you ever chose to cum on her face, or even if you ever looked past the tits…just frame those things out…they are what count….

Posted in:Salma Hayek