I'll Make You Famous…




Halsey Has Her Tits Out While Doing Santanic Symbolism Looking like a Tranny Winehouse of the Day

Since I don’t care about these shitty pop acts that won the lottery amongst other aspiring pop acts who didn’t make it, they are all pretty interchangeable.

So when I saw Halsey, I thought Kesha, then realized that it’s Halsey, who I remember being the girl who pretended to be homeless and black, an offensive and racist stereotype, probably also a victim of sexual abuse and every other possible disorder for attention…..

Last I heard she was dying of some terminal disease that isn’t caused by mixing blood, you racists….but since I don’t know what the disease is, it could actually be a black disease like sickle cell….but not dying enough to look white as shit with her tits out in a magazine photoshoot.

The shoot is cheesy hipster shit you’d expect on INSTAGRAM in the early days, eating SPAGHETTI so edgy and innovative you lazy fucks….but what do you expect, pop shit with fake tits…and at least she’s got the tits out in her lame, fabricated, contrived edginess nonsense.

Posted in:Halsey