I'll Make You Famous…




Sydney Sweeney Riding a Paddle Board Erotica of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is one of the hottest dopey looking babes in the entertainment industry today.

She is one of the only girls in Hollywood who has managed to go viral organically through the dying industry…

So while all old timer celebs latch on to their fame as hard as they can, doing shameless bullshit content on social media that should be beneath them….this one and her great tits came plowing through to the top….

So while J.Lo hides in her mansions over the consequences she may face from the DIDDY TAPES and other celebs do dance videos, Sweeney and her hot tits be cruising…

She did a million dollar campaign with a shoe brand, they had her on a paddle board in her shoes, which may piss off the feet people and the HIGH HEEL fetishists, but if you’re into sneakers that look like mid 90s hip hop while being active, this shit is for you…

I’m into it for the wet suit ass…

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney