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Ana De Armas has her Tits Out at an Event of the day

Ana De Armas is out here promoting some movie called Ballerina. I am too lazy to google it and figure out what it’s about, but I am going to assume it’s about a Ballerina.

I have found the Cuban hot throughout her career as an actor, because there are very few hot actors out there, so when one comes along…we stop for a second and say…”at least she’s hot”.

I was always pretty suspicious of her story because she was born in Cuba and didn’t even float on a raft to America like Eleon Gonzalez in the 90s, she instead went to Spain like so many Cubans under communism aren’t able to do.

It’s almost as if she was a plant, human trafficked, a CIA operative, I don’t know but there are plenty of Cubans in America who want to act and be all Hollywood, some are even third generation born in America, but instead they gave it to one from Cuba…WEIRD.

To make her story even weirder, she was seen making out with the Cuban President’s stepSON in Spain.

We’re all for stepFAMILY members getting pussy and it is weird that I never monetized on the stepFAMILY fetish after 20 years of doing this, since there are tons of high earning porn based on that subject….

However, this stepSON is the of the Cuban President, the first Non-Castro to run the country, which as far as I know is still a communist shit hole…

Now I don’t know politics, but let’s assume the Cuban President is actually a dictator, and a Cuban escapee dating the Cuban President’s stepSON in Spain…is just fucking weird….almost like it’s by DESIGN…

What I am saying is De Armas is a spy…a honeypot…her tits a distraction….SHE WORKS FOR THE GOVERNMENT and was designed to end the EMBARGO so that CUBA can have REAL COCA COLA again.

Posted in:Ana De Armas


