I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus Shower Picture of the Day

Miley Cyrus posted a picture of herself in a shower in Puerto Rico, where I guess she’s hanging out, or polluting their culture with her fake ass, hollywood rendition of art and hipsterism…

The biggest tragedy in the whole thing is that in being her racy little controversial self, she’s gone 30 percent of the way with this one. You know the giant heart censor and the fact that she’s just showing her back to us, make masturbating to this, even for the most seasoned voyeur with a shower fetish, pretty fucking hard…but I guess her posting shower pics already is a good enough start, that makes for a good chance that when her empire comes crashing down…there will be porn..

I think the more controversial shit she’s been up to in NYC for Fashion Week, involved this minor Bella Thorne in a cleavage dress, sitting on her lap like Miley was Santa Claus, you know the mall kind who only do it to molest the kids because their red suit makes them think they are above the fucking law…

That’s enough Miley news…because I’m a grown man and writing about this both rapes my brain and depresses me to the point of suicide, but I’m more into the drinking myself to death method, which is something I do despite being long and drawn out…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus