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Archive for the Miley Cyrus Category




Miley Cyrus’ Tits and Ass of the Day

I can only hope that Taylor Swift’s success that I equate to witchcraft because the power of marketing and relateable lyrics can’t be as strong as they are for Taylor Swift.

I actually think all you vaccinated freaks got injected with alien technology that involves antennae that act as brain washing receptors since you had weak brains to begin with and the powers that be can just manipulate you into buying into bullshit…like Taylor Swift…

The reality is that people are generally just follower sheep idiots who do what they are told, they are conditioned to do what everyone else does and find comfort in that…

But yeah, I hope that Miley steps up and decides it’s time for her to take her actual country roots to knock this poser bitch out of the way, ideally in a mud wrestling setting, you know to keep it country, because Miley is far hotter than Taylor Swift, who is not hot at all….AND most importantly….Miley shows her tits and ass off, which are still hot to me.

This is a photoshoot.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Panty Peek of the Day

I guess this is from a few days ago. I am old, tired, lazy and figure that being on time with any of this shit is a losers game because nerds with far less interesting lives than me are too busy waiting for this shit to hit social media and whatever other platforms they get their jerk off material.

As it turns out, a lot of perverts aren’t even fans of Miley Cyrus, they think she’s old and ugly and too fit and say horrible things about her. I assume they are the kinds of guys who jerked off to her when she was a Disney kid and cant’ appreciate her sophistication now that she’s pushing 30…the idea of a woman scares their stunted half retard pervert predator if they weren’t too pussy to be predator ways…

Anyway, I am of the school of thought that Miley is a babe, she’s an icon, a very important member of our culture and community and when she flashes her panties, now that she no longer flashes her cunt for marketing due to sophistication, I pay attention…because I’m the kind of creepy motherfucker who wants to steep those panties in boiling water to make some tea out of them….

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Fishnets of the Day

It’s not Fishnet Friday, but MILEY CYRUS doesn’t care, because MILEY is the master of her world, at least she probably believes that because the people who actually own her have coded her to believe that she’s the brains of the operation and not the mind controlled puppet doing what she’s supposed to be doing to influence and shape a whole bunch of people who are into everything Miley Cyrus because they are just as brainwashed as she is.

This is for some promo shit, her face looks a little too edited and thus terrifying and AI, but she’s flirty with the shirt strap hanging off her shoulder, all big mouthed and big eyed ready for you to jerk off to her.

I prefer her nude work that inspired a generation of women to get nude on the internet like a TUMBLR chick…..


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Topless Self Promotion of the Day

Miley Cyrus is topless in these high concept, high fashion pictures I’ll likely get sued by the photographer for posting, not realizing or caring that the site literally makes 30 dollars a month, which means, there’s nothing for you leeches to suck out of here, but I’ve got something for Miley to suck, it’s an inny not on outtie but it’d be nice to have her use her pussy eating skills on the dick suck!

Enough about me, this is Miley promoting some shit topless, like the good old days when Miley broke from Hannah Montana with her nudity, causing scandal, destroying her easily influenced fans, by getting them all naked too, paving a way for ONLYFANS, selling nudes…but her herself NEVER having done that petty, thirsty, scammy, cash grab shit…making her a hero…a FREE NUDE….FREE NIPPLE….Hero.

I think Miley is hot, I’ve said it before, I’ll stare at her little tits whenever they are pulled out, since they seem friendly….


Nothing says HONOR OUR FALLEN SOLDIERS than TITTIES…..on some COUNTRY MUSIC royalty, assuming you thinK Billy Ray is country music royalty….


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Ass of the Day

I assume people still like Miley Cyrus, probably not Hannah Montana perverts since she’s aged out and is far too aggressive, naked, run through, sexual to speak to their weird, watching kids shows for romance fetishes….

I’m of the Miley fan from her reinventing herself after Hannah Montana by posting nudes on the internet phase, when she basically emulated all the whores of the internet and brought that to the mainstream, destroying a generation by normalizing that kind of behavior that I always thought was an act, not authentic, just marketing hustle because Hollywood sucks and rips off trends….

She’s gone through waves of nudes, to non nudes, back to nudes, and I’ve been into it. She’s promoting some new iteration of her creative journey, showing off a fit body, a sculpted fit ass, and I like it because Miley’s a candy-coated, Hollywood manufactured Star baby!


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Bikini of the Day

Here’s some Miley Cyrus looking fit, lubricated and ready to be jerked off to.

You may or may not like Miley Cyrus, or her prison tats, but there’s something to be said for a Disney Kid who reinvented herself as a girl who flashes her tits and smokes weed, all to connect with a generation fo girls who wanted to do that, but didn’t have the celebrity leader doing it, you know to give them a sense of comfort!

I don’t know if Miley’s still playing the cool tumblr girl, but I do like that her era of nude on the internet for shock value and self promotion, to distance herself from being a lame ass Disney kid, involved pulling the tits out for free.

The current generation do it for money, because people who do it for free are just doing bad business, I guess.

It’s weird, it happened, but Miley looks good, especially when fit to me, so lets all collectively stare like the creeper perverts we are.


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Looks Like a Good Time of the Day

Here’s Miley Cyrus doing some mid 90s skater punk bullshit, rocking a wife beater without a bra, which was the only way we’d see nipple through shirt in the mid 90s, except maybe at the stripclub, or the gay bare where some tranny was showing off his new tits, but unfortunately the wife beater nip was 95% on some bull dyke with a bigger dick than you, and it’s just her clit….if you know what I mean….but STILL NIPS.

My analysis of this is that it was shot by her boyfriend because he’s got a Miley Cyrus fetish, can’t believe he’s fucking Hannah Montana as a grown up bi sexual hooker with prison tattoo version of herself….

So he makes her brand her shirts…unless this isn’t really Miley Cyrus, because with this french trash in the 90s now trending look, this barely looks like Miley we know and love…

The original Miley replaced by this clone from the basement of Disney studios where they house Walt and this is some subliminal messaging to convince us that the new Miley is the old Miley…I mean how could it not be, it says it on her shirt…

Either way, she looks likee she’s about to fuck, like she just fucked, or like she’s sick with a flu, and I’m a fan of Miley for whatever reason, she inspired so many nudes while being nude, something a godless society needs in its pop music.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Showing Tit of the Day

I don’t know why Miley’s rocking the late 90s two tone trashy whore from the stripclub hair. It was a very popular look amongst the late 90s strippers here in Quebec, who were a breed of their own, because back then, they had no outside influences as they didn’t speak English, so it was some insular level of trashy getting trashier organically, without any outside influence…it’s actually what made Quebec interesting, zero influence from the outside world but still managing to be slutty…you probably see all those mainstream girls wearing what I call the 90s Miami Stripper look, you know cheap outfits from the sex shop, well that’s how late 90s Quebec women used to dress to go to the club….and to think they were 22 years ahead of a trend is pretty hilarious….since at the time it felt so out of touch….but I guess it took a few decades to catch up with their LUST FOR LIFE, or exhibitionism, or stripping culture.

Doesn’t matter, Miley and Quebec strippers have nothing in common, she’s some Disney pawn her dad probably traded to pay off a debt he had with them, maybe to buy his rights to ACHY BREAKY back…I don’t know, but Miley, like a Kardashian has done her part in making girls SLUTTY.

Taking that instagram nudity that a small percentage of girls participated in, to the mainstream….she turned it into mainstream, hostess twinkie, pop culture behavior and now we’re buried in naked girls, or half naked girls, leave your house and you’ll see so many outfits that you’d expect from a fatherless girl trying to pay rent, only to realize they have dads and don’t need to pay rent because they have tons of money from their monetizing of nudes.

It’s a weird era, but Miley’s tits are timeless, or at least worth looking at through a wife beater….I’m a fan.


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Nip Slip of the Day

I like to think of Miley’s nip slip as a “If a bear shits in the woods, does it make a sound” moment……or maybe it’s a “what came first the chicken or the egg” moment…or it could be none of those things because I don’t know what either of those expressions mean. FAR too deep for a guy who stares at tits on the internet all day…

But I figure it’s got something to do with the fact that we’ve seen her naked over the last decade as this iteration of Miley Cyrus, that she’s basically normalized internet nudity, which has blossomed into a career girls aspire to have instead of boring shit like doctors, scientists, or lawyers…you know the standard jobs you have to go to school for only to make less money than your selfie porn you shoot for dudes on tinder for free anyway…

I am not saying that Miley revolutionized nudes, she doesn’t matter than much, but when a mainstream Disney kid is doing it, it’s easier for the at home slut dabbling with the idea to say fuck it.

Girls were getting naked online before Miley, that’s where her team of handlers came up with the idea…..

But yeah, when you’ve seen her tits, does a tit slip even matter…I’m going with sure. It’s a tit! Of course it matters.


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Ass of the Day

The wrath of God has targeted Miley with a “smarten up bitch”……

I mentioned this earlier but you’ve probably already heard the story, it’s old news at this point, but Miley’s on some South American Lollapalooza tour, and her private plane got struck by lightning, so that the exhibitionist Disney Kid who has pushed the agenda so hard on the young people, that things like monetizing nudes for feminism is now the most coveted job these people want out of High School, why work other jobs and build character when you can just sell your socially accepted nudes….

I am all for her going from Disney lame ass character to some Tumblr NUDE peddler even if I never found it to be authentic, just a way to keep earning, to stay influential, but the collateral damage of that was that all girls followed the lea, as their hive minds force them to do, and now we’re buried in NUDES everywhere, like nothing is sacred…

My first post in 2004 was a request for NUDES, I should sell it as an NFT, but yeah, my theory was eventually every girl will be publicly nude, building off the whole ANDY WARHOL 15 mins of fame, only sluttier…and without the 200 million dollar pieces of artwork to sell…NO ONE BUYS MY ART.

So it was most likely a natural progression of man, because we saw it coming…She just hopped on the trend because her people told her to, and has run with it.

Hollywood follows trends, they don’t create them, they just destory them as they make them mainstream as shit….so yeah, like a Kardashian, she’s helped move girls from God, to Satan….and here’s her ass showing you how it did that….

Not some God Fearing country star you’d want a Country star to be, but if you can make girls trashy and naked, you’re a friend of mine and satanic pervert or not, I think Miley’s pretty hot….

Now we’ll just have to see how her near death experience shapes her future, did her ties to Lucifer get stronger, will she start doing dildo scenes on stage, or will she move back to Tennesee and start a church….or will she just keep doing what she’s doing because her narcissism just reminded her that like Travis Barker, she’s invincible….and even PLANE crashes won’t take her down….and in 10 years after her friends on the flight kill themselves off…she’ll end up in a relationship with a 40 year old Kendall jenner after she reveals she’s actually born with a dick….and the whole girl thing was a marketing strategy her mom designed….and her dad followed along with…

Ok…Miley Ass on Stage….like this was CHICAGO in the 90s…


Posted in:Miley Cyrus