I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus’ Tits and Ass of the Day

I can only hope that Taylor Swift’s success that I equate to witchcraft because the power of marketing and relateable lyrics can’t be as strong as they are for Taylor Swift.

I actually think all you vaccinated freaks got injected with alien technology that involves antennae that act as brain washing receptors since you had weak brains to begin with and the powers that be can just manipulate you into buying into bullshit…like Taylor Swift…

The reality is that people are generally just follower sheep idiots who do what they are told, they are conditioned to do what everyone else does and find comfort in that…

But yeah, I hope that Miley steps up and decides it’s time for her to take her actual country roots to knock this poser bitch out of the way, ideally in a mud wrestling setting, you know to keep it country, because Miley is far hotter than Taylor Swift, who is not hot at all….AND most importantly….Miley shows her tits and ass off, which are still hot to me.

This is a photoshoot.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus