I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I don’t know if the milky tit obsession has to do with a general love for tits, because we are wired to love tits because as babies that’s what kept us alive, not that I was breast fed, I was more thrown in a ditch and managed to survive off the dirt and sludge I was eating, before being found and dropped off at the shelter, which lucky for you wasn’t a kill shelter, since I’m here to bring you HUMAN dervied, NON-AI content daily all these years later….

So yeah, do we like milky tits because as babies we needed them to survive, is that why we like non milky tits too?

Or do we like milky tits because we know the woman with the milky tits got the milky tits from fucking….

Or do we like the milky tits because it’s an excuse to have tits pulled out in public while women just do what nature designed them to do…

Maybe it’s a combo of it all!

Posted in:Lactating