Lindsay Lohan fell.
It brought me great joy.
She’s been falling for the last 10 years, on the regular, if you were to google it you’d see her falling all over the place. Maybe her meds, drugs, drinking, starving herself make her dizzy, maybe she can’t handle the heels, I mean the one and only time I spent the night with her – she fell on her fucking face…but I didn’t see her drink, she just locked herself in the bedroom with her friend Juliette and railed enough cocaine to kill a small animal, but not enough cocaine to think that dancing to her music album in her heels and pajama pants was a bad idea….those were the days…2009…when I’s been all downhill since…5 years of emptiness…but at least there’s still Lohan, living, alive, falling…amazing…
Posted in:Lindsay Lohan