I am not gonna judge Hilary Duff’s sexual preferences. I know how she’s feeling, we’ve all been there, you know desperate and alone with nothing but a 20 to our name and a boner in our pants. You know looking to get off all over her dirty crack addicted face after violating her gaping, dry, dying vagina, because she is all you really afford, only to feel humiliated once you’re done, leading to you hitting the pipe with the whore you just got with because you realize how she’s the best thing you’ve had in the last 5 years and you don’t want it to end, despite how much you hate yourself for doing it.
You know until you realize there’s a cop across the street about to crack the fuck down on you, forcing you to pretend you’ve never seen that girl before, you know make him think he’s insane for implying such a thing like someone like me paying for sex from someone like that, playing it all off as a joke and going on my merry way….with a boner in my pocket and realizing that the cunt stole my 20 out of my pocket when we were discussing prices, before the pigs cockblocked us…
Posted in:Hilary Duff|Homeless|Lesbian