I hate Sarah Silverman partially because she is fucking ugly but also because I never thought she was funny despite the world buying into her whole “be as gross and as inappropriate as possible” comedy. I just thought she had solid marketing behind her and since the world are a bunch of fucking spineless sheep with no opinion of their own, it made sense for them to find her funny, or at least say they do, so that they fit into the miserable conversation their coworkers have in the office.
But then again, I hate all female comedians, not because I don’t think vagina can be funny, but because they are all fucking dykes, or desperate fat chicks to begin with, and I fucking hate dykes and fat chicks. They are the breed of people that I pretend don’t exist, and I’d rather spend my time laughing at my bad jokes I tell hot little college girls in efforts to get them to show me their vaginas….
I guess in Sarah Silverman’s defense, she has been involved in a really funny joke at least once, and that was when I overheard a group of guys talking about how hot she is and they were fucking serious…I don’t know what kind of fucking guy is turned on by a girl solely based on her comedy, or why someone would think there is anything attractive about this big bushed, sloppy tit, who fucks Jimmy Kimmel pussy, but I can only blame the same Marketing campaign that got her a career.
Here she is trying to be funny, pretending to be a lesbian for the camera and it is really just a reminder that all my lesbian fantasies are NEVER what actual lesbianism is like. Actual lesbianism is a disgusting thing and that depresses me…..

Pics via Bauer
Posted in:Lesbian|Sarah Silverman