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Archive for the Kristen Stewart Category




Rough Looking Kristen Stewart’s Showing Off her Nipple of the Day

Kristen Stewart is looking pretty fucking rough, but in her defence she’s always looked pretty fucking rough. I’ve seen crackhead prostitutes who haven’t showered in what must be weeks, sitting in the corner of a 24 hour Dunkin Donuts after days of no sleep, look more refreshed than Kristen Stewart.

For a while I thought she was inbred or just straight up white trash, but as it turns out it’s lesbianism.

All that pussy and ass eating has fucked up her gut biome which has aged her out, made her stressed, the body craving the dick, but her politics and commitment to her gayness not allowing her to take the dick, even though every dyke who ovulates wants dick, it’s biology, they just don’t listen to those cries with the worst kind of will power…this isn’t turning down a smoke or a drink after you quit, or turning down hard drugs or crack she looks like she’s smoked for years..just take the fucking dick girl…it’s not going to kill you…but not taking the dick makes you look half dead…

Anyway, she was at an event, probably for fashion, visible nipple, which for those who don’t know me, makes me ignore the whole crackhead face 100 percent of the time.


Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart’s Lesbianism Gets her Horny of the Day

Kristen Stewart’s out here in yet another photoshoot with her shirt off. I don’t know if her lesbianism is making her horny, or she’s finally feeling like the sex object Twilight Nerds branded her as over the years…

At the time, she didn’t play the whole hot thing, the whole sex appeal thing, she looked like a tired, worn out, lazy, sloppy, beer league playing lesbian from being sexually assaulted and not from being “born that way”….but now that she’s grown up, she’s got her titties out…unless this is just her going trans….either way, I’m into it and I’ve never been into Kristen Stewart!

Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart’s Shirt Off for Some Bullshit of the Day

Kristen Stewart did a shoot with a cunt photographer, not one who takes pics of cunts, but that would be the kind of photographer I would be, but a cunt because she sues small blogs who repost her shitty photos on their blogs which really promote her and help elevate her work because it gets her paying clients free exposure, but this money grubber chooses to instead send LAWYERS after blogs to get PAID out for reposting HER pics because they are HER pics and getting paid by her client for THOSE pics isn’t squeezing ALL the BLOOD she can out of the pics, so she levels the fuck up….

These copyright trolls annoy me and when I hear about sites getting sued by these assholes, it pisses me off because I am an old school internet personality, who believes in the sharing of information freely on the internet, since that’s how the fucking internet worked before everyone was a money grubbing piece of shit scumbag…

Anyway, Kristen Steward the lesbian has always been ugly to me, so these now older, more slutty versions of her aren’t all that fucking hot to me, but since you’re a Harry Potter / Twilight fanboy, you can jack off to it hard…

Plus her face still looks as METHY as ever, so if you’re into METHY women, and why wouldn’t you be, they are committed to the cause, a passion we appreciate..

Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart’s Lesbian Fashions of the Day

I may believe that lesbianism is a myth and that women aren’t “born that way”, but rather that it is a learned behavior that comes with wanting to be different, parasites in the brain, bad experiences with men or narcissism from loving your pussy too damn much that you need to go play with other pussies…or make women worship your pussy as some sort of asserting dominance on them….

But that doesn’tm mean that lesbians don’t exist, they are really a thing, a community, a group of people who are probably pretty boring to be around because I can assume it’s a lot of complaining, man hating and it doesn’t end in a blow job unless you’re very charming and committed to proving that lesbianism is a myth.

KRISTEN STEWART is one of the more famous self-proclaimed lesbians….and she’s out promoting something because her lesbian fashions have been pretty racy of late.

In today’s look, she’s got a mini skirt, thigh highs with garters, an exposed bra….far different than the lesbian overalls, construction boots and flannel of the past.

Besides the hair, there is nothing lesbian about this, which is probably the point, reinventing lesbians.

Maybe it’s just a tribute to the street walkers of the 80s, a forgotten breed of prostitute thanks to the internet ruining everything….who cares.


Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart’s Lesbian Nipple Flash of the Day

Kristen Stewart is a lesbian, I think she’s so lesbian that she’s scheduled to marry her current lesbian lover, because either the pussy eating is just that good that it cancels out anything a dick can do, or maybe she’s just into knitting. Lesbians love knitting.

I’m not saying that all chicks need cock, some have broken vaginas that can’t take any cock at all and have to commit to the clit game….

I am just saying that it’s not biologically sound that lesbianism is something a girl is born with, it’s gotta be some learned behavior or fluoride in the water, because by definition it’s a species ending sexual preference…

Sure, lesbians make babies with sperm they get off craigslist, which is celebrated more than when I mail women my semen in hopes they impregnate themselves. I’m out here trying to create a master race in my image fuckers…and it’s NOT working so well.

But if a lesbian still has a baby, what’s the point of being a lesbian, just a hatred of men, cock or a love for tits and pussy eating…

It’s beyond my mental capacity, but I will say that if a lesbian nipple is exposed, does it make a sound, since technically you can’t suck on it due to your penis, since lesbians discriminate and aren’t inclusive….or does it make even more of a sound, because it triggers the competitive nature of men, seeing lesbians as the ultimate challenge in pussy seduction…..

I figure since it’s Kristen Stewart’s nipple it makes a sound to all the twilight nerds out there….but also since it’s Kristen Stewart’s nipple, it’s not that interesting because I don’t find her hot since I’m not a twilight fan….yet the nipple still outfit for attention prevails…thanks to the nipple.

Turns out she wore this outfit with the nipples to the late night Colbert show, which didn’t make it more interesting – PICS HERE

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart Thong of the Day

NO, this isn’t a new Target, Bud Light, or North Face ad for pride month….and NO this isn’t Ellen Elliott Page…

This is a lesbian in a THONG for PRIDE month…..rocking her lesbian dental floss…and luckily for us they’ve shot this from an angle that crops out the strap on-attached to her thong, it’s the only thong she had laying around, because all her other underwear are men’s boxer shorts…you know lesbian things…

It’s also a LESBIAN in FISHNETS cuz LESBIANS know far more about the fishy smells a pussy can get, because they themselves own a pussy….but also because they don’t have dicks, so they end up with their faces in more pussy than dudes who are willing to skip that whole part of sex because they don’t worship the pussy as much as a Kristen Stewart lesbian does…

I don’t know when the lesbian decides the pussy turns them on, but I assume mirrors are involved in that process…..

I do know that Kristen Stewart’s not very hot lesbian, like the ones I see in the park who are actually young, fit and only lesbians because it’s trendy….but I didn’t find her hot before she decided to turn, because she wasn’t BORN THAT WAY, it’s a choice….she was actually born to procreate…it’s the HUMAN condition people and all these gay shit is designed to take away from that by voluntarily not breeding and if you they do breed, they’ll end up weird thanks to their TWO moms….but that’s just my ignorance that will be seen as a HATE CRIME…which is shocking, since I’m so filled with LOVE!


Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart Thong of the Day

I am pretty sure this is an old picture of angry lesbian gangster Kristen Stewart psoig in a thong with all her lesbian hats, that could be her ex boyfriend for the sake of marketing a huge franchise of stupid movies (ROBERT PATTISON)’s hats, but that wouldb’t make them any less lesbian.

Now, I’ve found Kristen Stewart boring as shit, gutter looking as shit, even the whole lesbian sex thing bores me, as it is anti-climatic and arguably a choice, not a BORN THAT WAY THING, which would trigger the LQBTQ…not the LITTLE QUEEFS BIG TITTY QUEEF community….but the other more annoying niche…..

But yeah, when looking at her thong, I’m like, girl’s got a decent ass, body, legs, and when her face, her emotionless acting isn’t tainting her, she’s got a decent ass, body, legs…and that’s worth looking at.

So never a Kristen Stewart fan, but becoming a Kristen Stewart’s Ass Fan has been a very formative experience, you should try it sometime.



Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart Tits of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about Kristen Stewart as a celebrity, as a diversity and inclusion expert, as an actress, as a face or leader of Lesbianism and RAINBOW SWASTIKA FLAGS for the fake and gay-ification of society as a whole….SHE IS BORING.

But I’ll look at her tits with her painted up face, that looks like she could be doing YELLOW face, or maybe this is just what a lesbian facial looks like after getting painted by a bitch, who knows, but the manageable sized tits are hot…EVEN IF THEY ARE BORING.

Nude selfies bring me happiness, so as long as Kristen Stewart is delivering them to us, we’ll consider her on our team, just NOT on our team, because she scissors…and hates you and your penis….as they do…unless that’s all a lie, since I consider lesbianism a myth that makes no biological sense and that I can only explain as LEARNED bahvior…but what do I know, lesbians have always hated me like they hate dick, just not rubber or silicone dick, because it’s severed from the TOXIC man they hate…so they never talk to me about their inner workings in lesbian….but I’m happy believing that lesbianism is a fetish, a sex act and not a sexuality…..but then again, I don’t believe in any sexuality or gender bullshit…it’s all just sexual fetishes being celebrated….and it’s weird….

But nude selfies, those are always a glimpse into what I want to be seeing, a passion really!


Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart Braless of the Day

I don’t find Kristen Stewart a compelling star. I thought she was some product of incest poor chick who was sold to the industry because she geographically lived in and around LA and it was easy for her creepy dad to sell her off to some random producer he met at the grocery store, a bitch has got to eat motherfuckers.

I never understood her celebrity, she’s a boing, emotionless, barely hot actress, so either she’s got dirt on important people who did terrible things to her or in front of her, or she’s actually one of their own with famous, connected family….because there’s gotta be something about her that justifies her “a-list” attitude….

Sure, Twilight was huge, but is that enough to keep this bitch working, or is there are more sinister side to the story…..

The weirdest thing about her, at least for me, is that despite being a lipstick lesbian, which is a lesbian that doesn’t look like a biker, bus driver, cafeteria lady, or man…..even though I don’t believe lesbianism is a real ailment, not even in priDEMONth….

But yeah, the weirdest thing about her, even when she’s dating/fucking seemingly hot chicks, she’s still fucking boring to me….and even if I think lesbianism is fake, anti-climatic, masturbatory, even narcissistic….like “girl wants pussy praised by other girl, because she thinks she’s top pussy”….I can still happily watch girls fuck girls…yet Kristen Stewart doesn’t make me want to watch her sex tapes if there were sex tapes an she’s not even hideous….so explain that….can a girl be so boring that even when hot enough to be famous is not someone I want to see fuck….I can’t explain that…it is inexplicable…my own kind of X-Files…..


Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart Tits of the Day

This could be an old gif of Kirsten Stewart wiping her tit off like it just got cummed on by a man, or a squirting woman, but I don’t think females ejaculate in as targeted of a way, they just don’t have the shaft to aim their piss where it needs to go, and since it’s most likely just piss, it doesn’t have the same motility, mobility, thickness….you know like throwing cooking batter at the food fight, versus spraying a motherfucker down with a garden hose..

ANYWAY, I am a tiny titty supporter, endorser, and figure if you’re going to make all that money being famous, I sure as hell better know what your full tits look like, because acting is just high end escorting really…

I do find it weird that they’ve decided to use her as an A-LISTER since she’s not that great of an actor, nothing she’s done has been good or memorable, and her face, eyes, and emotion always seem empty and dead….

But I guess Hollywood is scrambling as they’ve lost their grip on celebrity, now that no one gives a fuck about celebrity, so they have to take what they can get….

We can assume that will eventually be Kim Kardashian in Oscar winning roles just for these bottom feeding scumbags to get the views and the money, because they are pigs.

All this to say, maybe this is from the Princess Diana movie she was just in….you know to get people to watch it, it needs a titty fuck scene, something lesbians can probably pull off and not only if they work at the rub and tug, since lesbianism is a myth or a fetish that can be broken for the right cock or opportunity, just ask Amber Heard.


Posted in:Kristen Stewart