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Archive for the Kristen Stewart Category




Kristen Stewart Nip Slip of the Day

I don’t know if a Lesbian Nipple is as valuable as the hetero woman nipple since you can’t fuck it, but you’re not fucking Kristen Stewart even when she decides to go back to cock, so I guess it is….

Most girls are lesbians now that 20 in 32 fouth grade students identify as LGBTQ+, it’s the modern day “thong”….or “brazilian wax”….or whatever the fuck lie they’re pushing on us…and that women buy into because they are simple and are wired into the hive…

I saw some NETFLIX or AMAZON show last night about “Pleasure”….or some nonsense, where they go onto to explain the “ORGASM GAP”….I only watched a few seconds of the trailer, before realizing this “Pleasure” show was not the kind I’d jerk off to…even with my interest or creepy sex obsession…and they said some shit like the “Orgasm Gap between Straight Men and Women” is huge…meaning men cum more than women….because of misogyny or the patriarchy….or because women are prude or uptight and don’t jerk off 8 times a day….but as far as I’m concerned every straight guy, in being a straight guy, is all about making the girl he’s with cum before he does…when you get to married level, where the wife is just doing you a favor and will deal with her own shit herself when you’re asleep or when she’s in the bath doesn’t count as and “orgasm gap”….and I am not too sure how I planned to tie this back to Kristen Stewart’s lesbian nipples, or lesbians being a myth, but probably because that show along with all the other homo shit is propaganda to make women fuck women, to kill the family unit, and to live empty self involved lives, that don’t benefit the future in any way but some shitty movies she’s in.

I don’t hate lesbians, I’ll watch them fuck, but they typically hate me…because of the whole penis thing, even when it’s an INNY and barely a penis, I’m sure some of their lesbian sisters have bigger dicks than me, but that’s just because the LGBTQ thing is running wild….

I guess that was a lot of nonsense to say “Check out Kirsten Stewart’s Celebrity Nip slip”….I can’t help myself…and if you can’t help yourself, you can’t help anyone else.


Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart Oscar Tits of the Day

The Oscars are Trash but so is Kristen Stwart…an actor who may have even been nominated for an Oscar, which is hilarious to anyone who has ever seen Kristen Stewart act, it’s an emotionless, boring, uninteresting experience every single fucking time…

I get that she’s trying to act interesting in her lebsianism, wearing lingerie rocking some decent little tits, but the fact remains, she’s been around for a while, and has had zero star power the entire time, sure they hyped her up during the Twilight Years, but the idea that she’s being treated like a legit actress and not like Ashley Greene, is jokes….you know, since she sucks…but who am I to say anything, I’m not in their industry, I don’t know how their hierarchy works, I guess don’t have the credentials to have an opinion on the people or stories they feed us, just sit their, mouth gaping open like a stunned half retard, being filled with their propaganda, agendas and lies…

Maybe I’m being a little dramatic when it comes to Kristen Stewart’s lingerie outfit, but I guess lesbians as a concept irritate me, not because they don’t fuck me, no one fucks me, that’s nothing to be mad about, but because I don’t believe lesbianism is anything but a perversion since we are wired to want to breed and breeding means cock and cum….however gay definitely exists, just ask Will Smith for a history of his porn searches.


Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart’s Thong Shot of the Day

I just saw this Kristen Stewart thong shot, that I’ll assume is an older thong shot, becasue it looks like some dude’s bedroom based on the hat collection he’s got next to his dresser, I can’t imagine that being a girl thing and not a bro thing, but then again, Kristen Stewart is a lesbian, so maybe it’s a lesbian thing…taking hats WAY too fucking seriously like a lame ass streetwear collector…you know the type…

I don’t know why this is being posted on the internet now, but I am glad it is, because she’s really a wet fucking rag of an actress, nothing she does is all that interesting, I’ve seen movies she is in and she’s just dead in the eyes and boring, really just lucky she got that Twilight franchise to secure her place in society….

I also never thought she was hot, but I am a basic man and can easily be swayed into thinking something is hot, like when looking at her asshole behind thong pic, I’m all about it, I mean run that shit on my clit sized penis, I’ll even put on a push up bra to make her feel more at home….

Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart Tits of the Day

Kristen Stewart Tits

I would have thought that Kristen Stewart would be the kind of actor who decides that she’s no longer a woman, and that she’s a teenage boy, so that like Ellen Page before her, she’d kill off her name and cut off her tits, and try to grow out her clit into a dick…she just has that vibe…

But I guess she’s just happy being a lesbian, no need to push the boundaries for viral coverage or a way to get more and more famous….because I guess she doesn’t need to be that broken…..

The good news is that she’s into showing her tits, not cutting them off, so we get to see the semi-masculine, not so hot, not so great, but super famous actor with her titties out and if this is what her instagram looks like, since I don’t use instagram, I’m into it….because obviously the next step of the instagram is straight up porn….what a weird time to be around when I’ve been unable to monetize or go mainstream cuz I’m seen as some shitty porn site…when all I do is repost shit from ZUCKERBERG…what a scam…favoritism…OPPRESSION….

In conclusion, lesbians hate me, but I am glad that lesbians are finally getting hotter, cuz no dick in the way of girl on girl sex, is more fun for people into girls not dick.


Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Possibly Kristen Stewarts Front Hole of the Day

Apparently there was a Kristen Stewart nude leak that happened, you can google it and find it elsewhere, because I’m not in the business of running a not-for-profit site that gets sued for posting Kristen Stewart’s leaked nudes, she’s rich…and that would be messy…but google man, that big tech company will get you what you need, let them make all their Google money off Kristen Stewart’s back…

BUT I WILL EMBED what is rumored to be a masturbation video of hers posted to another site….

I don’t find Kristen Stewart hot and I never did, so when she came out as a lesbian, it made sense to me, you know she had the scowl on her face her entire career, and no one is quite as miserable as lesbians….at least based on their constant complaining…if you’ve met lesbians, you know how angry they are…

That’s assuming you think lesbians exist, because I know people who know lesbians and believe that they are just perverts who have sworn off men because other women understand their vaginas, can make them cum while mutually masturbating, without having to deal with the asshole male..and all the bullshit that comes with it…

That’s not to say lesbians don’t exist as a concept, it’s just to say that it is doubtful that they were born lesbian and that it wasn’t due to trauma or boredom from men, because by definition women like to breed and need sperm to breed, so if you’re running to a sperm donor to put his sperm in you to make a baby, that’s hardly lesbian…that’s like gay dudes buying a jar of pussy juice as lube…and if you know gay dudes…that would be a hellish proposition to ask them….then there’s the whole lesbian sex toys, that are dick shaped because vaginas are designed for dick…making their case all the harder for a rational human to understand….

NOT THAT IT MATTERS….what matters is that this Kristen Stewart lookalike is out here with her vagina out confusing all the Kristen Stewart fans, because they do exist, I mean she’s a big star despite not knowing how to act, but that inclusivity thing, where you need to cast gays and lesbians to seem woke, inclusive and with-it…allows them to cast her despite her not being the best…which I guess applies to all inclusion hires, these companies saying “don’t hire the best talent, hire the talent that looks best, so long as it’s not the hot chick with her tits out, cuz they’ll end up taking you down for being a creep, go for the darker shades and genderless”..//inclusion…what a farce..

Anyway, whether this is Kristen Stewart or not doesn’t matter, it’s international woman’s day…which is what matters…and nothing says woman than a woman with a organic, or authentic, real vagina…who eats other vaginas…because she likes vagina so much….so we can just pretend.


Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Bell Bra of the Day

Kristen Bell Bra

I’ve always thought that Kristen Bell was a fucking scam of a celebrity, then she married Dax Sheppard and it was confirmed that she was the worst, not because I am one of those people who gets mad at celebrities getting married, like it’s some personal attack on me, but I know those people are out there and it is hilarious…you know finding out their celebrity crush they’ve never met but have jerked off to for a decade is in love with some other loser actor…throwing their whole existence out of sorts…I mean fans are weird fucking people…

I hated her officially when she got with Dax because Dax was always such an irritating personality that anyone who would spend their life with someone who has that public persona, even if he’s totally normally and cool and it’s all an act, being with someone with that personal is a person I fucking hate…so Kristen Bell..I hate you.

Anyway, I know she’s got the fans, because fans are losers like that…and the other day, she posted a pic of herself in a bra…with a caption that was as annoying as her husband is…

It said:

11 wonderful months of not wearing a Nipple Knapsack, today I put one on. But it’s not just any Honker Hankey…blah blah blah…. And these amazing Upper Decker Flopper Stoppers have a very necessary hidden message for the wearer.

The hidden message, not so hidden, it’s massively presented on the bra, and for anyone who has worn an embroidered sweatshirt will know, that’s added discomfort to an already uncomfortable thing because you’re so weak you need you fucking bra to give you affirmations you pathetic fuck…

You you need to buy underwear that hypes you up, you should probably just end it all, you’re too far gone….

That said, to make this even weirder…the proceeds go to black women….in some white privilege weirdness because Kristen Bell can’t get any whiter and I’d be curious to know what she’s done for the black community before it was trendy…I mean maybe I am wrong about her, maybe black activism has been her calling since being the white as fuck girl in every white as fuck movie while marrying a white as fuck loser…because they are white…

That’s not to say white people can’t support black people, black causes, or that doing so is racist, it’s to say that there is definitely a level of racism when advertising what you do for black folks as a rich white person…

Pandering fucks.


Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart Bra of the Day

Kristen Stewart has looked like an inbred piled of trailer trash since she was first cast in the Twilight “Saga” that’s less of a Saga and more of a pile of shit cash grab that got a lot of people rich and allowed this trash to exist amongst the rich and famous instead of working at the bowling alley sucking dick for meth despite being a “born this way” lesbian….despite having had a public relationship with her Twilight Costar to perpetuate their lie, increase their marketing exposure, because she’s a fucking lying scam and should be cancelled…but thanks to the DYKE card, which is not an invitation to a knitting circle, but could be….she’s uncancelable…but she is still boring…even in bra trying to do a slutty selfie like her ex girlfriend, a VS model scammer taught her…


Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Lesbian Kristen Stewart Working as a Mover in Short Shorts of the Day

Kristen Stewart is out her doing dyke shit in short shorts as she helps a friend move. We can only assume they’ll be knitting later tonight while talking about how much they hate dick….snacking on lesbian cookies and planning lesbian construction since they already own the flannel and construction boots…before doing some oil changes, changing some tires, unless they are the weird fat lesbians who can’t land a man so instead work as mammogram techs, librarians and gym teachers…

I don’t know what dykes do to be honest…they kind of don’t exist to me…when I see them they just sort of disappear…even lesbian porn fucking sucks.

But it is a good time to introduce you to the new R-PAT (who may have had his dick in her before she denounced dick) Batmobile:

Since you’re all a bunch of virgin losers into that batman, comic book movie shit…

I didn’t find Kristen Stewart, hot or interesting when she was at her peak…and I don’t find her hot now…but she exists and this is her existing…in shorts like she doesn’t fist Cara Delevigne’s herpes off the walls of her vagina….right up to her uterine lining…like she was an actual period…nothing more womanly than a period…nothing more lesbian than wanting to be a period.

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Kristen Stewart|SFW




Kristen Stewart Topless Lesbian of the Day

Kristen Stewart Seberg Topless Nipples

I thought she was a lesbian….

I guess this is what “acting” is.

Actress who pretends to be a lesbian pretending to not be a lesbian in some interracial scene in some movie.

As garbage as she is in everything she does, I will say that her tits are far more interesting than basically anything she’s ever done…



Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Kristen Stewart is Nude in the Pool of the Day

Kristen Stewart, who I like to think is just a lesbian for show, maybe manipulated by her hot Victoria’s Secret model girlfriend Stella Maxwell, who like Cara Delevingne like to find girls who are confused, on the fence, maybe even broken and turn them into their marketing campaigns.

I get the vibe that she’s as much of a lesbian as one of Ellen’s girlfriends, you know in it for the hype because lesbianism is a myth, and sure they eat pussy but that doesn’t mean they don’t go back to dick when the time comes, only unlike Ellen’s lesbians, this one is the power player in the relationship.

I just don’t believe an actress or lesbian would be attracted to a Victoria’s Secret model, all the lesbians I see are into knitting, fat girls, and not the hot chicks they never were. Maybe there’s something called Hormonally lesbian, like those dude chicks who look ready to fuck anything that comes close enough with your massive 10 inch strap on, both men and women alike, because that’s just the kind of lesbian you are, but those lesbians aren’t Kristen Stewart. She’s not even believable as a combat and plaid wearing lesbian who hates men and who is in Women’s studies at college. It’s all seems like some act, like she’s pulling out of some parody of lesbianism for an SNL skit.

Anyway, her BFF hairstylist posted this pic of them naked in a pool drinking wine…and it was deleted.

So if you’re into Kristen Stewart, and you shouldn’t be, she’s not hot and was never hot, naked in a pool that you can’t see her naked in, this is for you.

Posted in:Kristen Stewart|SFW