I'll Make You Famous…




Kristen Stewart Braless of the Day

I don’t find Kristen Stewart a compelling star. I thought she was some product of incest poor chick who was sold to the industry because she geographically lived in and around LA and it was easy for her creepy dad to sell her off to some random producer he met at the grocery store, a bitch has got to eat motherfuckers.

I never understood her celebrity, she’s a boing, emotionless, barely hot actress, so either she’s got dirt on important people who did terrible things to her or in front of her, or she’s actually one of their own with famous, connected family….because there’s gotta be something about her that justifies her “a-list” attitude….

Sure, Twilight was huge, but is that enough to keep this bitch working, or is there are more sinister side to the story…..

The weirdest thing about her, at least for me, is that despite being a lipstick lesbian, which is a lesbian that doesn’t look like a biker, bus driver, cafeteria lady, or man…..even though I don’t believe lesbianism is a real ailment, not even in priDEMONth….

But yeah, the weirdest thing about her, even when she’s dating/fucking seemingly hot chicks, she’s still fucking boring to me….and even if I think lesbianism is fake, anti-climatic, masturbatory, even narcissistic….like “girl wants pussy praised by other girl, because she thinks she’s top pussy”….I can still happily watch girls fuck girls…yet Kristen Stewart doesn’t make me want to watch her sex tapes if there were sex tapes an she’s not even hideous….so explain that….can a girl be so boring that even when hot enough to be famous is not someone I want to see fuck….I can’t explain that…it is inexplicable…my own kind of X-Files…..


Posted in:Kristen Stewart