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Archive for the Sarah Silverman Category




Flashback Friday When Sarah Silverman Said She Wanted to Kill Jesus of the Day

I guess you only get cancelled when you make fun of the wrong thing.

Clearly there’s a satanic agenda at play and the demons are hard at work…and seem to be winning, but people with actual brains, or maybe autism, can’t get sucked into the trap…

You’d have to be pretty fucking demonic, with parasites in your brain, telling you what to do, in order to have sex with Jimmy Kimmel….

You’d also have to have some deal with some high up motherfucker to have a career as a top comedian, when you’re a sloppy and unfunny bitch…

So yeah, this is a clip of Sarah Silverman saying she wants to kill Jesus, while the fans laugh because they are told to…..

So as long as you’re anti Christ, for the anti-christ, you’re good….

So when they say all White people are bad, Christians are bad, or weird, TRAD LIFE is bad, all men are bad, men are women and women are men, all Unvaccinated people are bad, lock them up, all abortions are good, or whatever weird satanic inversion they are pushing into the brains of the masses of retards who pollute our otherwise lovely planet…..it’s ok….

So just hate on the right side, and you can live your slave life un-cancelled….This bitch is trash.

Posted in:Sarah Silverman




Sarah Silverman Rank Ass Shot of the Day

Sarah Silverman

I saw this ass shot last week and ignored it because I have found Sarah Silverman an overrated pile of shit since I first came across her crass and vile comedy many years ago….I saw her shrill voice get more and more popular…and saw her get richer and richer and it was pretty obvious she was a fucking phoney pile of dog shit just adapting to the trends and cashing in on it….and that’s not to say women can’t be funny, or women can’t be comics, it’s to say she’s a flip flopper who adapts according to the trends in efforts to not get cancelled…when she started out as being a “shock” comic…proving that she was just gaming the system to succeed and didn’t have an actual voice, opinion, or soul….not too shocking…

I mean she did end up with Jimmy Kimmel…who is the devil himself….an over “woke” who is not woke motherfucker who shits on people like the “MY PILLOW GUY”….mocking him as some distraction but that’s probably just the deal he made with Disney when they gave him his talk show….you see I remember when the soulless pudgy loser was doing the Man Show…and I hated their comedy then, still hate their comedy now, but one segment was legit girls on trampolines…that was a segment from a guy who cries on air…what a liar….watch him in Blackface

Or there’s some Kimmel against giving women the right to vote….

Anyway, I never thought Silverman was hot, or interesting, or funny, or cool, she was always dog shit to me, and when I found out a friend of mine thought she was hot, I was shocked and couldn’t believe men were into her…I mean sure Kimmel would be, but he’s hardly a man…..but I do think that her posting her bare ass on the internet is some sad cry for attention and it’s not a very hot cry for attention despite being a bare ass…I mean it must be mid-40s…but even in the 20s it wasn’t a good ass…yet here she is diverting attention or wanting people to see her ass and I find that weird.

It’d be solid if these people did a “Tom Cruise” and said “I said what I said”….but instead they remain vile scumbags who distance themselves from the cancelled in hopes of not getting cancelled themselves…which is just evidence of their weak characters and opportunist, out for themselves, scared to lose what they built, pussy behavior….people used to stand by their friends, wrong or right, thick or thin, now they hop on the cancel bandwagon and say shit like “I never liked that guy”…like what Seth Rogan did to James Franco a few weeks ago…they were butt buddies and Rogan knew Franco’s habits and instead of sticking it out with him like a friend…he said “I got a carer and reputation to maintain”…that’s just a shitty person on all levels….but that’s the world we are in…but luckily pigs like Sarah Silverman want to show you their asses…


Posted in:Sarah Silverman




Sarah Silverman Fishnets of the Day

Sarah Silverman just doesn’t stop with the offensive comedy…I mean known for her shit and piss and dick suck jokes…and the fact that she used to fuck a fat Jimminy Kimmel…also pretty funny…but not as funny as realizing that dudes find her hot…because to me she was always a bit of a Donkey…at least in look and not in ass…but then I got free tickets to a comedy festival that no longer gives me free tickets despite being in the same city because I guess I don’t qualify as media or comedy….even though I view this entire site as one terrible joke but maybe that’s more a terrible joke on myself rather than a terrible joke on society….anyway…I took a friend to a free comedy show and he was mad that it wasn’t the Sarah Silverman show cuz he found her the hottest…this was a decade or more ago and I was like “ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY”…to which I realized, he’s just a married normal suburban dude and hot chicks mean different things to him….

I guess he was into her for the tits…but I’ve always been confused as to why she exists on TV while looking the way she does because Hollywood is SUPPOSED to be superficial..clearly they aren’t consistent in that messaging..

I don’t know why Sarah Silverman is doing butt shots in fishnets like an influencer, a joke I guess, making fun of an influencer, with her own influencer style shot…you know parody where you get to do the things other girls are doing and pretend you’re doing it as a joke instead of for attention….always funny to see….making fun of girls by immitating them and giving us the same results…which is seeing the old dump truck with her ass out in shorts….BRILLIANT…give her a TV show…this is REAL comedy…that’s why she gets paid the big bucks…and yes…I think she’s balding….HOT…I like my women like I like High School Principles….you know…with MALE PATTERN BALDNESS.


Posted in:Sarah Silverman




Sarah Silverman Hard Nipples for Black Lives of the Day

Sarah Silverman Nipples BLM

Sarah Silverman’s been leaning up in Quarantine because I guess at 45 years old she’s gotta start taking care of herself to maintain any level of sex appeal she may have.

The comedy industry had a few takedowns this past week with people like Chris D’Elia who I find lame and unfunny as shit despite his popularity, doing some #MeToo shit with underage girls….then they tried to take on Jeff Ross got hit…Rogan for laughing at a comic talking about how girls like Sarah Silverman and probably Whitney Cumdumpster would suck his dick to get slots in the coveted Mitzi Shore Belly room, the room for girls, because girls will do anything for a chance at the stardom they feel they deserve.

Then Whitney Cumdumpster, who was buds with Chris D’Elia and who OBVIOUSLY knew he behavior is playing that she had no idea what dude was up to, despite being on a show together because bitch is also rich as shit for barely being funny…and likely doesn’t give a fuck what her co-stars or friends put their dick in…and rightfully so…they tell us not to judge dudes for fucking dudes because it’s not our business….but instead of just saying “it’s not our business” she wrote some shit about empowering women…then Amy Schumber who I guess identifies as a woman despite being a barnyard animal gave out her phone number to sexually assault victims, something she can’t relate to, cuz no one would rape her, she’s the one doing the raping, using that celebrity and money to rook in that husband who knocked her up…in a “that was gross, but maybe I only need to do it a day a month in exchange for ALL THIS HOUSE”….

Point being, you’re all a bunch of idiots, celebs are idiots, comics are idiots…anyone who practices jokes in front of a mirror until they get the perfect cadence and punchline is some try hard loser no matter how much money they make…so FUCK EM ALL…

I have had at least one friend who thought Sarah Silverman was hot in the last 20 years, I never understood it, I mean sure she’s got a sloppy tit but the rest of her is typically sloppy…

She’s in a Jewish for Black Lives Matter shirt, to remind you that she’s not white, she’s Jewish, and as a persecuted religion, she should get some leeway in her behavior, since her whole career was based on being crass, raunchy and offensive (like Whitney Cumdumpster and Amy Schumber)….

I just find this backpedaling shit cuz they are too scared of being cancelled lame. If you’re a comic stand by your fucking jokes or persona that got where you got…being apologetic and woke is some dumb shit and insincere shit because all the famous comics are the fucking losers who all found. each other in LA and bonded on being “innovative” or whatever while being lame as shit…cashing the fuck in like the soulless piles of shit they are.

Their jobs as comics is to be unapologetic and now they are all apologizing…get the fuck out of here…now someone make me a compilation of all this BLACK LIVES MATTER supporter’s racist jokes…or look at her hard nipple she wants you to see.


Posted in:Sarah Silverman




Sarrah Silverman’s Sneaky Titty Flash of the Day

I have never found Sarah Silverman hot…and I haven’t really held it against her, knowing that she’s some funny girl, with a potty mouth, who isn’t there to be hot, but rather is there to be funny, to those of people who find her funny….which is a lot of people, she’s made a lot of money off of…. just not me because I find the whole thing gross…vulgar and disgusting…and basic….it’s just easy for a girl to work the comedy scene that is filled with dudes wanting to get laid…and it’s easy to be shocking or silly when you’re a girl…it doesn’t impress me…

She has always had big tits, tits she’s decided she’s into flashing, because all these people crave attention…and they do remind me of when one of my friends told me he found her hot, to which I had to laugh at him for a month, like have some fucking self respect man….you can say you want to fuck the busty funny girl….but you can’t say she’s hot….it’s just not scientifically true…

Well, she’s flashing her tits..and people are excited, so here it is.

Posted in:Sarah Silverman




Sarah Silverman Got Them Titties On of the Day

Sarah Silverman Got Them TItties On

Sarah Silverman disgusts me…..

Women who turn to potty mouth sex jokes are just clickbait…..reducing themselves to being the joke version of a nude photo…or tits….and Sarah Silverman has tits….but still disgusts me……so much that I question Kimmel’s sexual orientation any time I see that queer…

She’s pretty much a dude and tits won’t change my mind.

Lets not forget what the tits look like naked


Posted in:Sarah Silverman|SFW




Sarah Silverman Topless of the Day

Sarah Silverman Nipples Topless

Sarah Silverman busted out her tits, in what is probably a demonstration of how she used to pose for Louie CK when he would jerk off to her….

I am not from the school of weird fetishists that were into Sarah Silverman and her big tits – ever….

There was a time, you probably don’t remember, or care to remember, when she was actually marketed as some hot comedian…while I would just listen to her jokes and cringe….I just didn’t find her funny and no part of me thought anything about her was hot…not that you care what I think…you just saw big old tits telling perverted jokes…saying naughty and inappropriate things…that if you only knew could make someone a millionaire you’d do too…it wasn’t that creative…

But the big old tits, are definitely REAL tits, far too real tits…way too real tits….they just hang in ways I’d rather no know they hang….in what I’ll call the saggy tit shaming, a movement I am sure exists out there amongst all you pussy victim liberal idiots…

If seeing her tits, her masculine, hard faced tits….here they are…but they aren’t anything you should jack off to…but I can’t get in the way of you being a sick and embarrassing fuck….if anything I can just facilitate that…because in ways…I am a hero…your hero..

Sarah Silverman Nipples ToplessSarah Silverman Nipples Topless


Posted in:Sarah Silverman




Sarah Silverman in Masters of Sex of the Day


I didn’t realize that Sarah Silverman, or as I like to call her Anne Franck, is a serious actress now, who gets naked in lesbian love affairs on TV…

I always thought she was the ugly, gross, disgusting to look at Comedian, who for some reason, has made it on various “Hot” lists in the past, because I guess people found her hot. I’ve even met people who thought she was hot, and I’ve had conversations with them about how they are just saying that because they are Jewish and she’s Jewish and they have to by some Jewish code….her existing in Hollywood for her comedy was fine, but to put her in any “babe” even “hottest comedian” was tragic joke in and of itself, but the real tragedy in this comedy, is that now that she’s old, tired and showing her big sloppy tits on TV…and I am not even torn or distracted by tits, I’m like “put your damn shirt back on funny girl”….

Posted in:Sarah Silverman




Sarah Silverman and Other Ugly Chicks Full Frontal Nudity in Take This Waltz of the Day

Seeing Sarah Silverman naked is one of the most unfortunate things that has happend to this site…possibly the most unfortunate things to have happened to the internet…

You see one thing I hate is when ugly chicks are celebrated as hot, Sarah Silverman, being ugly, yet she was always on hot lists….at firt I wondered if I was the only one who saw a fat, shitty tit, ugly horse face cunt who isn’t even funny, but who is obvious….past her prime….and even her prime wasn’t prime in the grand scheme of things…just better than now…..even though now is the time she decided to get naked….what a mess…a mess her fans are hard about….horrible….

Michelle Williams and Jennifer Podemski are also naked in this movie….What kind of man hating lesbian who appreciates girls for their personalities cast this shit….

Here are the unfortunate clip:

This just doesn’t make sense….and I can’t un-see it….but the good news is I like seeing all girls naked….even ones I fear…

Here are the other 2 clips I’ve got….

Posted in:Jennifer Podemski|Michelle Williams|Sarah Silverman




Sarah Silverman is Not Hot, She’s Disgusting of the Day

One of the most annoying things I hear when it comes to celeb pussy is when a motherfucker says Sarah Silverman is hot. She’s built like a dump truck, and not a nice modern dump truck with air conditioning and other luxuries, I’m talking a dump truck you’d find in some backwoods field used to transport sheep shit.

She’s got no redeeming qualities, I would hate to see her naed. Her shoulders are broad, her face is horse-like and bucked, and her legs and ass look handicapped and fat….

So as much as she can make a motherfucker laugh, she can’t make him cum, she has no sex appeal and even with the most intense and professional blowjob skills that helped her get this career, if you”d get down with this, you may want to see your therapist, cuz you are probably faggot.

Posted in:Sarah Silverman