Sarah Silverman’s been leaning up in Quarantine because I guess at 45 years old she’s gotta start taking care of herself to maintain any level of sex appeal she may have.
The comedy industry had a few takedowns this past week with people like Chris D’Elia who I find lame and unfunny as shit despite his popularity, doing some #MeToo shit with underage girls….then they tried to take on Jeff Ross got hit…Rogan for laughing at a comic talking about how girls like Sarah Silverman and probably Whitney Cumdumpster would suck his dick to get slots in the coveted Mitzi Shore Belly room, the room for girls, because girls will do anything for a chance at the stardom they feel they deserve.
Then Whitney Cumdumpster, who was buds with Chris D’Elia and who OBVIOUSLY knew he behavior is playing that she had no idea what dude was up to, despite being on a show together because bitch is also rich as shit for barely being funny…and likely doesn’t give a fuck what her co-stars or friends put their dick in…and rightfully so…they tell us not to judge dudes for fucking dudes because it’s not our business….but instead of just saying “it’s not our business” she wrote some shit about empowering women…then Amy Schumber who I guess identifies as a woman despite being a barnyard animal gave out her phone number to sexually assault victims, something she can’t relate to, cuz no one would rape her, she’s the one doing the raping, using that celebrity and money to rook in that husband who knocked her up…in a “that was gross, but maybe I only need to do it a day a month in exchange for ALL THIS HOUSE”….
Point being, you’re all a bunch of idiots, celebs are idiots, comics are idiots…anyone who practices jokes in front of a mirror until they get the perfect cadence and punchline is some try hard loser no matter how much money they make…so FUCK EM ALL…
I have had at least one friend who thought Sarah Silverman was hot in the last 20 years, I never understood it, I mean sure she’s got a sloppy tit but the rest of her is typically sloppy…
She’s in a Jewish for Black Lives Matter shirt, to remind you that she’s not white, she’s Jewish, and as a persecuted religion, she should get some leeway in her behavior, since her whole career was based on being crass, raunchy and offensive (like Whitney Cumdumpster and Amy Schumber)….
I just find this backpedaling shit cuz they are too scared of being cancelled lame. If you’re a comic stand by your fucking jokes or persona that got where you got…being apologetic and woke is some dumb shit and insincere shit because all the famous comics are the fucking losers who all found. each other in LA and bonded on being “innovative” or whatever while being lame as shit…cashing the fuck in like the soulless piles of shit they are.
Their jobs as comics is to be unapologetic and now they are all apologizing…get the fuck out of here…now someone make me a compilation of all this BLACK LIVES MATTER supporter’s racist jokes…or look at her hard nipple she wants you to see.
Posted in:Sarah Silverman