Michelle Williams is 44 years old and the mother of 3 kids, including Heath Ledger’s kids.
For some reason, she decided to strip down to her lingerie for a fashion photoshoot with some prestigious magazine. The lingerie could also be the pants that Alessandra Ambrosio and Selena Gomez wore, which look like lingerie….but that would just make this stupid.
It’s clearly not a fashion photoshoot at all, but rather some kind of fetish content designed to be jerked off to by the 3 Heath Ledger fans who are still out there and are interested in the pussy the Ledger came up inside.
It’s a Heath Ledger pussy decades after his death for Ledger fans to jerk off to….
Or it’s Michelle Williams knowing she’s on the rot, that time is not on her side and if she doesn’t strip down for a magazine now that she arguably can still barely pull it off, it may be her last chance.
Is she an exhibitionist, a pervert, wanting to be jerked off to…
Is she self preserving and hoping this will continue getting her roles due to her keeping relevant and pushing herself…
Am I spending my day trying to get into the head of Michelle Williams, an actress I care less about than most actresses, who I also care very little about because I don’t watch movies or find them hot or interesting….even when they get naked…ideally when they’re not in their 50s….
Yes I am….
If you’re actually interested in geriatric’s trying to be hot, this shoot is to promote Michelle Williams’ new TV show which is called DYING FOR SEX.
It is based on a true story, podcast and memoir of a woman who had stage 4 cancer, who divorced her husband of 15 years, to get her fuck on with randoms, as many randoms as she could.
Which for some reason Hollywood thinks is a worthy story and an empowering story to inspire the women of the world into whoredom….
When some people die, they decide to spend more time with family, doing meaningful shit, not this TITTY CANCER BITCH who’s body is eating itself…she’s gotta go on a “SEX JOURNEY”….for her bucket list….when ultimately, sex really isn’t that important…
What a dumb fucking world…reclaiming your cut off titties by divorcing your husband to fuck….
Posted in:Michelle Williams