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Archive for the Michelle Williams Category




Michelle Williams in Lingerie for a Magazine of the Day

Michelle Williams is 44 years old and the mother of 3 kids, including Heath Ledger’s kids.

For some reason, she decided to strip down to her lingerie for a fashion photoshoot with some prestigious magazine. The lingerie could also be the pants that Alessandra Ambrosio and Selena Gomez wore, which look like lingerie….but that would just make this stupid.

It’s clearly not a fashion photoshoot at all, but rather some kind of fetish content designed to be jerked off to by the 3 Heath Ledger fans who are still out there and are interested in the pussy the Ledger came up inside.

It’s a Heath Ledger pussy decades after his death for Ledger fans to jerk off to….

Or it’s Michelle Williams knowing she’s on the rot, that time is not on her side and if she doesn’t strip down for a magazine now that she arguably can still barely pull it off, it may be her last chance.

Is she an exhibitionist, a pervert, wanting to be jerked off to…

Is she self preserving and hoping this will continue getting her roles due to her keeping relevant and pushing herself…

Am I spending my day trying to get into the head of Michelle Williams, an actress I care less about than most actresses, who I also care very little about because I don’t watch movies or find them hot or interesting….even when they get naked…ideally when they’re not in their 50s….

Yes I am….

If you’re actually interested in geriatric’s trying to be hot, this shoot is to promote Michelle Williams’ new TV show which is called DYING FOR SEX.

It is based on a true story, podcast and memoir of a woman who had stage 4 cancer, who divorced her husband of 15 years, to get her fuck on with randoms, as many randoms as she could.

Which for some reason Hollywood thinks is a worthy story and an empowering story to inspire the women of the world into whoredom….

When some people die, they decide to spend more time with family, doing meaningful shit, not this TITTY CANCER BITCH who’s body is eating itself…she’s gotta go on a “SEX JOURNEY”….for her bucket list….when ultimately, sex really isn’t that important…

What a dumb fucking world…reclaiming your cut off titties by divorcing your husband to fuck….


Posted in:Michelle Williams




Michelle Williams in a Magazine Wearing a One Piece for Heath Ledger of the Day

Michelle Williams will never forget Heath Ledger, or as some of you know him….the Dark Knight…or the queer in Brokeback Mountain who gave Jake Gyllenhaal AIDS, but not the strain that killed Jake Gyllenhaal, but that killed himself…or that the Olsen Twin killed but was rich enough to cover up…

But she will pose in magazines like she’s hot, despite any normal dude questioning how someone like her got famous, cuz it’s sure not from her tits….and probably not from her backside either cuz that shit is uneventful…but at least she got that Ledger trust fund money going to their daughter to keep her afloat…she’s even in a swimsuit to let us know she’s into staying afloat.

Posted in:Michelle Williams|SFW




Michelle Williams for Another Magazine of the Day

Michelle Williams is doing some modeling…for Another magazine….and I wish it was another model….

I had the misfortune of watching one of her movies the other day….thanks to a vagina I was trying to have sex with…and I could not get over how swollen and under allergic reaction her face looking…making me wonder if Heath Ledger knocked her up one night thinking she was Jake Gyllenhaal….in one of her medicated stupor….but more importantly…why the industry gives her work….and now she’s moved into fashion modeling…and it’s fucking confusing…but what is more confusing is that I am posting this shit….

Posted in:Michelle Williams




Sarah Silverman and Other Ugly Chicks Full Frontal Nudity in Take This Waltz of the Day

Seeing Sarah Silverman naked is one of the most unfortunate things that has happend to this site…possibly the most unfortunate things to have happened to the internet…

You see one thing I hate is when ugly chicks are celebrated as hot, Sarah Silverman, being ugly, yet she was always on hot lists….at firt I wondered if I was the only one who saw a fat, shitty tit, ugly horse face cunt who isn’t even funny, but who is obvious….past her prime….and even her prime wasn’t prime in the grand scheme of things…just better than now…..even though now is the time she decided to get naked….what a mess…a mess her fans are hard about….horrible….

Michelle Williams and Jennifer Podemski are also naked in this movie….What kind of man hating lesbian who appreciates girls for their personalities cast this shit….

Here are the unfortunate clip:

This just doesn’t make sense….and I can’t un-see it….but the good news is I like seeing all girls naked….even ones I fear…

Here are the other 2 clips I’ve got….

Posted in:Jennifer Podemski|Michelle Williams|Sarah Silverman




Michelle Williams Half Naked for GQ of the Day

Since I’m traveling….here’s my post….Hateful shit, hateful shit, she’s got no sex appeal which makes her hamming up Marilyn Monroe despite the golden globe nodes, nothing more than a saturday night live skit…She killed Heath Ledger cuz he had to deal with the shame of knocking her up…she’s more the kind of bitch you fuck and deny it happening…until the paternity tests come up….but I’d still fuck her.

Posted in:Michelle Williams




Michelle Williams Showing Some Tit with a Dude for Heath Ledger of the Day

I feel very close to Michelle Williams because I once made a Heath Ledger joke to Jake Gyllenhaal at a bar a few years ago and motherfucker went nuts, pushing the girl I was with and getting me kicked out of the bar…and as far as I’m concerned, he was Heath Ledger’s real wife and this bitch was just a result of one drunken night and some movie marketing that ended up with child. So as much as I like to mock broken widows when they are with new men, even if their husbands weren’t even with them when they died, it’s just one of those guilt ridden soft spots, but I have a feeling that this situation, if Ledger was still alive, he’d be the one running the bath and putting the condoms on with his mouth…if you know what I mean….But it’s all speculation…and either way, she’s showing off some tit…

Posted in:Michelle Williams




Michelle Williams is an Ugly Marilyn Monroe for Vogue of the Day

I never found Michelle Williams good looking, I always just assumed she was a front for Heath Ledger’s homosexuality with Jake Gyllenhaal, because she had the sex appeal of dude and to someone who wasn’t into women, but got a little drunk on set, knocking her up, leading to serious drug use, to deal with being a gay man with a pregnant chick, forced to get married, and off himself because it was too much for him to live with…..so when I saw that Vogue cast her to play out Marilyn Monroe, I knew it wouldn’t be as hot as seeing Marilyn Monroe, or even as hot as WATCHING HER FUCK IN BLUE VALENTINE ….if anything I knew it’d be comical seeing a bitch who isn’t hot trying to be sexy…..and it turns out they gave her cleavage…and it’s not nearly as bad as I wanted it to be…but that’s just because cleavage always wins me over….and here are the pics…

Posted in:Michelle Williams




Michelle Williams Tit in Blue Valentine of the Day

Watching Michelle Williams get fucked in this movie Blue Valentine brings back really amazing memories of making fun of Jake Gyllenhaal’s sexual relationship with Heath Ledger to Jake Gyllenhaal’s face, before he had a rich bitch hissy fit that got me kicked out of the restaurant he was annoyingly crying for attention in….

Because I know that homo Gyllenhall hates this Michelle Williams bitch for stealing his man on the Brokeback set and getting knocked up with his baby that Jake’s only the godfather of, when he was meant to be the actual second father, before Michelle Williams got in the way of his dreams..leading to Heath Ledger’s drug overdose and Jake’s sexual confusion…..that cunt…that you can now see sex in a movie….

Here she is getting fucked….

Here are her shitty tits in the shower….

Here she is getting fucked and complaining…

Posted in:Michelle Williams




I am – Michelle Williams is a Unisex Nymph of the Day

Michelle Williams

I am gonna tell you how you spent last night, virigins. You got home from your job at the video store where you play the playstation on the display console when your boss is drinking in the boiler room. You ate the broccoli you mom over-cooked as quick as possible so you could jump into your old childhood bed. You took your trusty flashlight beneath your 30 year old Spidey sheets, and re-read some fantasy Tolkien knock-off involving dragons, beasts, and fairies, and arrows. Your favorite character is the tiny elfin nymph whose sexuality is left ambiguous. You put the book down and proceded to jerk off to the thought of the warrior-hero fucking the unisex fairy. This unixes fairy looks exactly like Michelle Williams, a 13 year old boy with a striking resemblance to Mia Farrow. You have to keep telling yourself that the book is wrong and the nymph is a woman and so is Michelle Williams, so you are not a homo or a pedophile.

I am not knocking your life choices, come on, I was a fucking hooker and am currently on welfare healthcare. But at least my life choices have always involved having real sex and not virtual elfin book sex with a character that probably looks like Michelle Williams. Here is your favorite boy-girl nymph strolling around Brooklyn yesterday without her husband Heath Ledger.

Obediently yours,
Sugar Nell (ex-hooker, friend of Jesus)


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Posted in:Candids|Michelle Williams|Saggy|Unsorted