Anna Paquin is not hot in any way. I don’t care how many hit shows, or cult classics she gets her dyke ass on, she’s fuckin disgusting, which would explain her lesbianism….
See, there’s nothing I hate more than lesbians and that’s only because lesbians hate me and have always hated me. I like to think it’s because I always make fun of them, you know pulling out my dick in front of them, offering to father their child, cuz I don’t believe lesbian actually exist….to me it’s a fucking myth….
Sure, there are bitches who choose a cockless life cuz they want to, whether because they hate men cuz men molested them, raped them, or was mean to them or men hate them cuz they are fat and ugly and need someone to get them , or if it’s cuz they think it is trendy and cool to dress like a lumberjack, gain 50 lbs and shave your dyke construction boot wearing head, but they are all just overcompensating, cuz lesbianism doesn’t exist…
I know for a fact that biologically, a woman craves having a baby and that indirectly means she craves a cock….
Dykes choose to be dykes, or are forced into it for lack of cock willing to get them, and I think they hate that I know their little bullshit scam…
Either way, Anna Paquin knows lesbianism is bullshit, cuz I just remembered she’s not a dyke, she’s bi, so here are her bi-sexual legs, short and unattractive even to the pantyhose fetishists, because it’s a slow fucking day.
Seriously, why the fuck did I just post this? Oh right, to rip into lesbians cuz they are full of shit and to seduce True Blood fans into the site….cuz seriously, these pics are definitely not hot.

Posted in:Anna Paquin