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Archive for the Anna Paquin Category




Anna Paquin Naked and Fucked for TV of the Day

Anna Paquin Naked and Fucked

Anna Paquin is in some new season of the show called The Affair on Showtime, where she plays a toddler who grew up and is naked and getting fucked by a black dude.. original..

Black on Blonde porn has made it to Showtime series…as mainstream competes with porn….and also fights to BLACK LIVES MATTER and throw in some black characters, some social conscious storyline of “Oh look white girls fuck black men” while a percentage of white guys angrily deal with the idea that their woman is tainted by a mammoth cock, and the other percentage is fucking jacking off to it on some cuckold shit”…

Is this old lady Anna Paquin doing it up.

Anna Paquin Naked and FuckedAnna Paquin Naked and FuckedAnna Paquin Naked and Fucked
Anna Paquin Naked and Fucked


Posted in:Anna Paquin




Possibly Anna Paquin Nude of the Day

Possibly Anna Paquin Nude Pussy Tits

Is this really anna paquin?

I don’t know why she would leak nudes, or why people would care….she’s been getting naked on TV for a while now….

I mean back in 2014 – SHE FLASHED HER TITS

Which was about as hardcore as this….

I do remember there was a minute when Anna Paquin came out lesbian, as all these confused actors do…so these pics, if they are of her…may have been for her female lover…making it all the more exciting….which isn’t saying much since it’s not all that exciting.


Posted in:Anna Paquin|NSFW




Anna Paquin Tits from True Blood of the Day


I don’t watch this show, but if you’re looking for an episode recap, my friends over HERE do.

I do however appreciate the move towards showing titty on TV, because like the Willis sisters and Rihanna, I don’t think the nipple has to be hidden, and despite being called a Misogynist, even by some of my closest friends, I believe in women equality, and love women, especially when they have the right to be topless in public, which they do in many cities already, so I don’t know what people are complaining about, but let them complain…

You see, I’m old as fuck, and remember when the fat dude on NYPD blue’s ass was the most hardcore TV went, and I thought to myself, shit, we live in a shitty world, where that is pushing the boundaries of TV nudity, so I turned to the internet, along with everyone else, and here we are now, 2 decades later, with tits on TV…I feel like we’ve won something…and today that win is Anna Paquin tits via some show everyone gets overly excited about because they are the drone zombies in the show and don’t realize it…which isn’t really a win at all…but still tits…

Posted in:Anna Paquin




Some Sunday TV Nudity of the Day

TV is pornographic now and I am a huge fan of that, because masturbating to music videos, figure skating, tennis and swimming competitions, Mary Hart’s legs, Chrissy from Threes Company…Jennifer Aniston’s nipples in friends, Roseanne and Oprah on the off days, some sluts on Jerry Springer and Scrambled porn, got boring fast and forced the world to turn to the internet to get off…and in TVs struggle to stay alive, they got a little European up in America….and said “hey sex isn’t all that bad, let’s fucking compete, fuck the Christians and the censors, and the advertisers, it’s on” and as far as I’m concerned that’s a good kind of evolution, progressive unlike when we gave women the right to vote.

Let’s just hope it leads to penetration…

Here’s Anna Paquin in True Blood

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Here’s Brooke Smith in Ray Donovan

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Here are the pics..

Posted in:Anna Paquin|Brooke Smith|HBOobs|Ray Donovan|True Blood




Anna Paquin’s Lesbian Pantyhose Legs of the Day

Anna Paquin is not hot in any way. I don’t care how many hit shows, or cult classics she gets her dyke ass on, she’s fuckin disgusting, which would explain her lesbianism….

See, there’s nothing I hate more than lesbians and that’s only because lesbians hate me and have always hated me. I like to think it’s because I always make fun of them, you know pulling out my dick in front of them, offering to father their child, cuz I don’t believe lesbian actually exist….to me it’s a fucking myth….

Sure, there are bitches who choose a cockless life cuz they want to, whether because they hate men cuz men molested them, raped them, or was mean to them or men hate them cuz they are fat and ugly and need someone to get them , or if it’s cuz they think it is trendy and cool to dress like a lumberjack, gain 50 lbs and shave your dyke construction boot wearing head, but they are all just overcompensating, cuz lesbianism doesn’t exist…

I know for a fact that biologically, a woman craves having a baby and that indirectly means she craves a cock….

Dykes choose to be dykes, or are forced into it for lack of cock willing to get them, and I think they hate that I know their little bullshit scam…

Either way, Anna Paquin knows lesbianism is bullshit, cuz I just remembered she’s not a dyke, she’s bi, so here are her bi-sexual legs, short and unattractive even to the pantyhose fetishists, because it’s a slow fucking day.

Seriously, why the fuck did I just post this? Oh right, to rip into lesbians cuz they are full of shit and to seduce True Blood fans into the site….cuz seriously, these pics are definitely not hot.

Posted in:Anna Paquin




Anna Paquin Takes a Disgusting Jog

It’s gonna take a hell of a lot more than a jog to make this chick worth fucking. I find Anna Paquin probably one of the least attractive people in Hollywood. I get that she won an Academy award when she was 11, making her some kind of phenomenon, even if the Academy Awards are bullshit….It was enough for them to ignore her obvious flawed everything and give her constant work….one of those actors so good people don’t realize how sick she is….It got so bad that when she came out as a dyke people started getting excited….I mean look at this ass when it is jogging…there is nothing good about this….

Posted in:Anna Paquin




Anna Paquin’s Shitty Bisexual Nipple in the Ocean of the Day

I hate bitches who swim in their shorts and t-shirts…I see it at the beach, the public pool, the waterpark, pretty much everywhere and I drives me fucking crazy no matter how ugly or gross or scared of the sun the body of the bitch is….

I understand it’s some insecurity shit that bitches with horrible bodies think make them look better than wearing an actual bikini, but the ill fitting wetness of swimming in your clothes like a fucking Muslim woman who isn’t allowed to show skin, makes she worse….Not to mention it isn’t feminine and I guess I should expect that from a closet Lesbian/openly bisexual cuz that’s step one to accepting your a fucking lesbian…who is built like a dude…and now swimming like a dude who doesn’t want to get a sunburn…

I have went swimming with an uptight, sloppy bodied, lesbian once years ago….she didn’t want to wear a bathing suit, because it went against her lesbian grain….and she jumped in with shorts and a t-shirt that ended up turning see through…like Anna Paquin’s top…showing the whole group her nipples and bush…only to run off crying when I pointed out that her strategy to cover up by not wearing a bathing suit like a normal person was a backfire for her but win for all of us….

Either way, here’s her nipple, cuz ugly tit and horrible body or not, nipple is nipple…

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Anna Paquin|Beach|Nipple|See Through




Anna Paquin is a Hangin’ Dyke Nipples of the Day

I’m not in the KKK but if I was this would not be my idea of a hanging homosexual worth jerking off to…not that these are pictures worth jerking off to…if anything they just explain why Anna Paquin has taking the turn to lesbian because she’s butch, ugly and probably has a penis….

My internet I am stealing is running like shit. I’m tempted to go bitch out my neighbor and tell him to call tech support, but motherfucker will know I’m a theif and I can’t have that tarnishing my stellar reputation in the building, thanks to the time I passed out in the laundry room pantsless with my dick in some ladies panties…something Anna Paquin and her nipples can probably understand….

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Anna Paquin|Lesbian|Nipples




Anna Paquin Does the Hayden Panettiere of the Day

I guess short, broad shouldered, small breasted, stalky legged bitches all look the same, at least to me because I don’t bother noticing their faces, like they were fat girls, because something in my brain just shuts off by the time I get to their faces and erases the shit like Will Smith in Men in Black. Sometimes the faces in my memories of the busted up, awkward bodies I’ve fucked turn into all kinds of things, like famous cartoon characters, monsters, blurred out like rapists being interviewed on 20/20, or pixelated like they were vagina on a mainstream website…..

Either way, here’s Anna Paquin dressed like she was Hayden Panettiere, but I guess it makes sense, since they are forced to shop in the same midget stores so they are bound to overlap their outfits every once in a while due to limited selection….

Here are the pics…

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Anna Paquin|Hayden Panettiere




Anna Paquin Goin to the Gym in Tight Pants of the Day

I should spend more time at the gym, not because I am fat, unhealthy and borderline dead, but because I just realized that they gym is probably not filled with fat chicks, like I previously assumed. The reason being that fat chicks are fat and the reason they are fat is from not going to the gym and if you do get the occassional fat chick in the gym she’ll probably only last a few weeks before going back to her sitting and baked goods lifestyle plan. So here I am missing out on hot chicks with tight bodies in tight clothing in really sexual and compromising positions and then there are gyms with pools and teenage girls doing their lifeguarding course and the whole thing is fucking amazing, unfortunately, I’m too lazy to bother, but if you’re horny enough it may do you some good on a whole lot of levels and that’s something to think about….something else to think about is how sloppy this Anna Paquin chick looks on her way to the gym in a pair of tight pants, bitch is in entertainment and I’m sure she’s not about entertaining us with her unfit sloppy body, she needs to step it the fuck up and here are the pics……

Pics via INF

Posted in:Anna Paquin|Gym|Leggings