I'll Make You Famous…




Lady Gaga and her Handler of the Day

Here are some pictures of the next biggest thing in pop music, yes Faggots and I am not talking about Perez the latch on who probably makes more money than her, but is far from a star, but Lady Gaga, who has blown the fuck up despite being a try-hard with a pretty ugly fucking face and a dick she manages to hide. This no pants thing is all part of her manipulation, she’s got Lady in her name, she wears Leotards where you’d think you’d see a dick if she actually had a dick, but no fag hag is this outrageous, fake glamorous, obnoxious, while most fags are….

I’ve decided to be less negative about her as she’s coming to Montreal in a week and I expect to slap dicks with her, just to prove I’m right. The things I’ll do for the internet amazes me sometimes…

Posted in:Lady Gaga|No Pants