I'll Make You Famous…




I am – StepMUSIC: Priestess (of the day)


I am in the business of bringing people together and getting shit all for it. I once knew a kid in a Montreal band who got signed to RCA and is going to the top and won’t be bringing me with him. I also knew a guy at a T-shirt company whose banner I put on this site for free and who has the coolest fucking T-shirt designs I have ever seen and will be going to the top without bringing me with him. Somehow the two end up working together leaving me completely out of the loop and together they will go to the top while I sit here remembering the good times we once had. This means that I have contributed to another person’s success without making anything for myself. It’s the story of my fucking life.

But being the nice person that I am, I decide to put up an mp3 to the band’s song, and a link to their website, and a link to the T-Shirt company’s website, so when all 10 of you pieces of shit click thru, they will have no idea this post never happened, and I will remain in my one room apartment alone as they sit in luxury hotels fucking hookers.

I would like to thank the story of my fucking life for making this possible.

Listen To The Single HERE

If You Want to Win A T-Shirt and Signed CD Email Me

Related Links:

Priestess Official Site
CD Review
Tank Theory: The Hottest Shirts of the Day

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