I'll Make You Famous…




I am – R.I.P. Crocodile Hunter


I just woke up because I was in the weirdet strip club in my life until it closed last night. The strippers were fat and turn tricks, they were street whores who had what it took to dance around on stage for a couple of songs to make a little extra coin and what it takes was some cheap lingerie. There was no way they weren’t right off the corner and that wasn’t even what made me feel uncomfortable. There was an asian dude, alone on perverts row, simulating ripping lines of coke off the table with his imaginary friend. After he was done ripping the lines that weren’t even there, he lit up an imaginary cigarette coughed, put it out in an imaginary ashtray and did some ninja moves and left. I was scared he was going to stab me, but luckily the transexual stripper who was trying to trick dudes into thinkin he was a she distracted him.

Speaking of getting stabbed, I just found out the Crocodile Hunter got stabbed in the heart by a stingray, and felt sad for motherfucker cuz he always knew how to put a smile on my face.

R.I.P. Steve Irwin

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