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I am – Anna Nicole Smith’s Son Commits Suicide of the Day


In Loving Memory

1/22/1986 – 9/10/2006

On September 7th Anna Nicole gave birth to a healthy 6 pound, 9 ounce baby girl. Her son Daniel was in the Bahamas with her to share in the joy of his baby sister when he passed away suddenly on the morning of September 10th. We have yet to learn the cause of death but do not believe that drugs or alcohol were a factor. Anna Nicole is absolutely devastated by the loss of her son. He was her pride and joy and an amazing human being. Please do not make any press inquiries at this time so that Anna Nicole can grieve in peace.

Anna Nicole Smith’s 20 year old son died mysteriously. It is assumed that it was suicide. It’s a tragedy even if the bitch is too medicated to realize that the son who’s father she only met once and who she neglected his entire life when marrying 90 year old billionaires and posing for playboy is dead. I can go on all day ripping into this bitch, but won’t cuz death is sad, but I am not gonna lie when I say that it looks like Corky used to like watching mommy shower / breast feed/ sleep / rock out in a bikini / spill water on herself / if you know what I mean…..and it’s not technically incest fantasy if he never knew her as his mother when growing up, if she was just that slag from Playboy that she was to the rest of us. It must of been a shocker the day they were reunited and he realized that he had been rubbin one out to her for the last 4 years of his life…..

Mung sent in another post about this and I decided to post it because it means less work for me and being who I am, less work makes me happy and by happy, I mean a little less depressed than usual. I know that none of you actually read this site anyway, so I could be posting erotic fag stories and no one would know the difference. Mung is wasting his time but seeing as he’s into wasting of time and erotic fag stories, I am going to post this for him, leave comments and start a war. Cuddles.

Alright you fuckheads. I better bring my fucking “A-game” this time because you fucking assholes depressed the fuck out of me this weekend. I try to write posts for you guys and you just tear it apart because you say they are too long. You guys made me extremely sad because it has always been my lifelong goal to become a douchebag who reads a shitty website and does a daily post that losers can read because they have nothing else to do with their pathetic lives. You made me contemplate suicide a few times this weekend, but I realized I would probably fuck it up just like everything else I do in my life. This is my second post and it probably won’t get posted because it sucks more than the first one but it’s shorter to just appease the masses that visit this website on a daily basis.

Due to my suicide contemplation this weekend I decided to dedicate this pathetic post to Anna Nicole Smith’s son who died on the weekend according to her website.

They think it may be caused from excessive alcohol abuse or drug abuse. My guess is he killed himself because Anna Nicole Smith was his mom. Having her as a mother would be pretty terrible. If people in your school or on your sports team knew that she was your mom they would probably stone you to death or pistol whip the fuck out of you just being the son of a useless cunt.


PS – Just because I post this, doesn’t mean I think it’s good.

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