I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Hayden Panettiere with Santa of the Day


I am not a pedophile or sex offender, but I think some pedophile police are trying to track me down or build a case against me via myspace and this site. I haven’t broken any laws by posting underage girl pictures but I feel like someone is waiting for me to fuck up. I may have come close by writing inappropriate things to randoms on mysapce without thinking. I also know that some of you readers may be pedophiles, but I never provide you with pedophile entertainment and I don’t condone your sick behavior.

I know that I went through a phase where I would link to youtube videos of people of a variety of ages, but that was my way of saying that youtube breed sex offenders and they were bought for 1.6 Billion Dollars. Kinda crooked if you ask me….and since that’s out of my system and the point is proven, I’ve stopped.

To clarify things, this is a celebrity/social commentary site and it’s all done for comedic and entertainment purposes. This site is not meant to be a place for criminals to congregate, it’s a place for me to get drunk and molest you with my stupid rants…that you are supposed to laugh at and shake your head at thinking to yourself how lucky you are to not be me.

I ended up seeing the Uganda movie I saw on Oprah last week about the dictator who went crazy from the paranoia that his allies and advisors were working against him. Despite people sending me random messages that seem like traps from fake myspace profiles, or emails from people I don’t know with the names of people who helped me with the site….Despite the fact that my gmail was hacked and my lap top was stolen… I will not allow that paranoia to get the best of me.

What I will do is continue the site but watch every word I type, to prevent mis-interpretation that leaves me raped in the shower of prison or I may stop the site completely because this shit’s definitely not worth going to jail for…when I could just focus my writing into a book, the chances of getting published are about as high as the chances of making money off this last week’s kitchen garbage of a site.

For the record – 14 is the age of consent in Canada and 18 is legal for Nude pics, someone told me 16 is ok for topless and I posted some UK model named Cherry Dee’s topless pics when she was 16 and Emmalina the Youtube whore pics from when she was underage prior to knowing they were underage and when I did find out they were underage I pulled the pics…we all make mistakes…It’s safe to say that when I become famous, I’ll just run each post by a lawyer before publishing it on the web. Right now, I will stick to worrying about making rent this month and not about FBI being after me or being rich enough to hire lawyers to defend me.

On that note here are some Hayden Panettiere with Santa Pics… Enjoy you fucking sicko…CUDDLES.


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