Michelle Trachtenberg is usually a pudgy, uninteresting looking girl, who people were into cuz she played the little sister on Buffy….and who luckily people are still into cuz she played the little sister on Buffy…because any dude who watched that how…was likely a socially awkward virgin loser who can’t let go of the past…partially because those were the best years of his life…but more importantly because during that time he made a vow to always love Michelle Trachtenberg…for the rest of eternity cuz in his mind they are soulmates….Obsessive fans are so passionate…..
That said, I always just blew her off as someone on TV or still around cuz virgin losers never let go of the past…it is a nerd thing…but thanks to FHM South Africa…it turns out she’s got tits…and tits are really where it is at….so virgin loser fan base or not…all of a sudden she’s relevant to the masses and the new generation who have no idea who the fuck she is.
Posted in:Michelle Trachtenberg