I think Myspace is the future of the Internet, even though it’s been around for awhile, and seems like old news. It is only now that b-list celebrities everywhere are making the move to the internet, and figured out that it’s the best way for them to promote their useless projects that no one gives a fuck about. The reality is, just because lame 60 year old Jewish producers think you have talent, put you on a TV show and convince the population or the herd of sheep masses that you are the funniest guy on TV. We all know that doesn’t mean you’ve got it goin’ on. It’s a false sense of security for such an insecure group of people.
So I come across Will Sasso’s page and these are the messages that ensued:
—————– Original Message —————–
From: DrunkenStepfather.com
Date: Feb 14, 2006 1:19 PMyeah so
my site is drunkenstepfather.com
and I will make you famous, bitch.Love
Jesus Martinez
This was his response:
—————– Original Message —————–
Date: Feb 14, 2006 1:24 PMThanks Jesus, but I’m already famous…
Can you make me a sandwich instead?
So I had to put motherfucker in his place.
—————– Original Message —————–
From: DrunkenStepfather.com
Date: Feb 14, 2006 1:33 PMBeing on a sitcom with two fat ladies and Andy Dick hardly makes your famous.
I don’t know how to make sandwiches, I am more of a drinker.
Jesus Martinez
I guess my concept of fame is a lot different than his. This is where I would promote his website or his myspace profile, but sending all you useless cunts to his site and knowing that you think he’s funnier than I am is something I won’t do. You dig homo-erotic humor/ piss & shit jokes. I get it, you aren’t too smart. Now, go fuck yourselves.
I know I normally post about tits, well the benefit of fat men is that we have tits too, that’s what makes us so popular with dykes.
Posted in:Fat|sandwich|Unsorted|will sasso