I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Anna Nicole's Final Video of the Day

I was completely against posting this because it’s all over the news and because I don’t do death content. I wanted to say that I think it’s funny that the same paparazzi people who write cease and desists letters to me crying about how I use their pictures even though I don’t make a fucking cent off this site sold this video for $500,000 dollars. These motherfuckers were giving each other high-fives around the office cuz they had a great earning day. They went for drinks after work then home to fuck their wives all while thinking to themselves “this is what my life is all about and I am fucking awesome”. I know when I post a Britney Sprears cunt shot, I am going to have the motherfuckers on my broke ass crying about how it’s their picture.

Paparazzi are greedy, sleazy pieces of shit that profit off people’s private lives and this is video of a dead woman that they for $500,000 got them all dancing around with their boners, looking for the next person to exploit. Go fuck yourself Splashnewsonline and your $500,000.

If you want to see some of my videos that haven’t made me $500,000 click this link and do the

UPDATE – Read the comments, A dude from SplashNews tries to dis me.

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