I'll Make You Famous…




Emmy Rossum in a Sports Bra of the Day

Emmy Rossum is mean to me on social networking…and I don’t find that very nice…it is like these celebrities, who are pawns to people making more money than they are off of them, need to be sucked up to on the fucking regular, in order for them to ignore the fact that they are being exploited, and when an asshole like me calls a bitch out on being uninteresting, even average looking at best comes along, I get called a troll, kicked off the social network in question, left to fend for myself alone on the vast plains of the fucking internet…well fuck this cunt for being part of the evil that made me this way….LOLZ….or look at her pic of her in her sports bra instead…

I’m more into seeing her protitute herself for a TV show cuz it was the only way she’d get on TV….you know GET NAKED OR SOMEONE ELSE WILL YOU WORTHLESS WHORE …..and being on TV is the only thing that validates her as a success….you know that makes people think she’s anything but average…so whoring out was worth it….clown faced bitch.

Posted in:Emmy Rossum