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Miley Cyrus Hard Nipple of the Day

Miley Cyrus Hard Nipple of the Day

Miley Cyrus is likely struggling to promote her new angle, new album, new anti-drugs, cleaned up her image because she got the attention of her fiance, they are back together, and she also made a shit ton of money with her novelty act, that was more a lie, she’s a Disney kid trained to rape culture and exploit it for her own benefit, and in this case it was HIT TUMBLR and do what they are doing, some splash in the pan shit…easy to digest in a world of half retards…with no attention span…

Her all trippy, half naked, showing bush, good things…all good things…but doing the country thing is more lucrative, has more longevity and allows her to pretend it’s authentic to her, even though nothing about her in authentic, it’s just another angle to sell product…terrible product…but to keep things relevant, she’s still getting the nipples out there, you know to no lose the idiots who were into her nudity, trippy hippie nonsense…they spend money too you know…this is all about money..and I guess nipples

Posted in:Miley Cryus|SFW