Chantal Jeffries is some jacked up faced, Kardashian looking, social media hooker who I think got famous because she was in the car with Bieber when he got caught speeding in the Lamborghini, but I can’t be too sure, it’s so hard to differentiate these not famous, barely relevant, but well followed, jacked up faces on social media…they all look like the same clown….
Apparently, she’s a DJ, which is as much of a joke as her being a model, this is the era of anyone can be a DJ because the audience is too dumb to know what is quality….but I guess it makes sense since she needs an angel to make her banging black rappers and athletes and money feel like less prositution….clever…or basic…she’s still flashing panties and I dig that….because if you’re going to look like a whore and pretty much be a whore, let me watch from the sidelines, give me a taste of what I could never afford, or really don’t think it’s worth the price it’s charging…
Posted in:Chantal Jeffries|SFW