I'll Make You Famous…




Some Miley Cyrus in a Wife Beater and Not Bra for Social Media of the Day

The only think I like about what lesbians have brought to the world….other than bootleg sperm donor black market…is the no bra/wife beater look…..because in the late 90s….lesbians didn’t want to be objectified as women but instead want the freedoms of men…and can’t let a bra oppress them more than their vaginas already do….so they go out to parks, parades and lesbian night clubs topless, or in wife beaters that are sheer enough that they should be topless…and despite the lack of sex appeal of the lesbian….it has spilled out to the mainstream…where more than just lesbians wear the wifebeaters now….everyday hipster chicks do to…and apparently so do bored, trapped in their prison that is their house on their pile of money thanks to selling their soul to the entertainment industry, forcing them to stage photoshoots for their virtual fans, because they have nothing else to do…and I like it…ALL OF IT…the whole sell your soul and suffer package deal….coupled with a tight fit body in a beater…making Miley magical…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus