Here’s a very fucking pregnant, already thick to begin with, Hilary Duff, who has a lot of really creepy 35-40 year old fans that watched her on TV when she was 16, and who still probably think she’s hot, because they like to see their fetishes grow up to be 3 year old moms of two…sick fucks.
She’s wearing a tight dress, as pregnant women do, since it’s the one time they can get away with showing off their fat tits in a tight dress, without feeling fat, you know if this was post pregnancy or pre pregnancy she’d only have diet and lack of exercise to blame for her gunt.
However she’s found a man to inseminate her, because she’s Hilary Duff, it was likely not a hard thing to find, I mean the world is filled with K-Feds and if you’re going to breed, do it with some fucking rich as fuck TV star…even if she’s a pain in the ass…rocking a pain in the ass…as the parasite inside her eats off her and prepares to make her pussy explode a second time…
Which is probably why she’s trying to shit it out like a high school girl on prom at the dumpster.
Posted in:Hilary Duff|SFW