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I Like Daphne Groeneveld of the Day

Daphne Groeneveld just turned 18. So stop looking at her you perverts. She’s not even legal to drink in America and if you tried you could probably still still smell the birthday cake on her panties, you know cuz fucking cake is a ritual in the Netherlands where she’s from, at least that’s what I heard they do in the Right light district, but I could have been lied to.

She’s been modeling for 3 years, meaning some kiddie porn pervert lured her in at 15 and got her in a bikini….because this modeling agency is a loop hope to his perversions.

It is safe to say, she’s probably been doing coke, fucking, drinking and partying since 15 too…like Britney Spears, She’s not that Innocent and at 18, fucking fair game to jerk off to, which more reason to like her, even if she’s wearing clothes in this shoot for The Sunday Times, I’m into it.

Posted in:Daphne Groeneveld