I'll Make You Famous…




Girl Simulates Blowjob on a Banana on Instagram of the Day

I am not really that much of a Narc, but I have had pretty much all my social media accounts deleted at least once over the years…

I lost Two Twitter accounts in the last month…

I lost two TUMBLR accounts last year…

I only got on Myspace cuz Friendster banned me and Facebook because Myspace banned me…..then I went through at least 3-4 Facebook profiles…I’ve had this current one for a while, but I barely use it….

I got on Instagram early on, cuz finger on the pulse or some shit, and lost I think 4 instagram accounts there…only to be underwhelmed with trying to grow my shit…

I have been blocked on youtube, but for some reason my original account is still there, but if I tried to grow it with Original videos, I would likely be deleted, and they never let me monetize my videos and get that Youtube money so I never bothered trying….

All this to say, none of the shit I have done has been as vulgar as sucking a banana like a cock with the hashtag HORNY RIGHT NOW….

So I report the nudes, to see the feedback, I report the smut to see the feedback, and in a year of reporting EVERYTHING I think is slutty…NOT A SINGLE VIDEO OR PICTURE breached the facebook community standards…not this video, not any….

A publicly traded company, making money off this fringe fetish porn, cuz all these internet sites are just porn sites in disguise that make people very fucking rich….and are thus untouchable…I just wish there was some consistency!! Or that I got rich off this shit…seriously.

Posted in:Videos