Now no girl has ever been scared of my penis – I think it has to do with it’s beauty, but it could also be due to the simple fact that girls never atually see it. I am probably so sex obsessed because I haven’t had an erection in over 6 years, I think it has to do with all the drugs I did back in texas, but it could also have to do with having a really ugly wife. My impotence won’t stop me from enjoying the female form, and it sure as hell won’t stop me from sexual harassment….This site provides a service to girls who have are penis phobic and the best quote I can take from the site is:
most an erect penis fear therapies take months or years and sometimes even require the patient to be exposed repeatedly to their fear.
How can I sign up? I would love to expose myself to a group of frieghtened ladies…..
If this kinda thing interests you or if you are scared of cock….
Visit ChangeThatsRightNow Here
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