I'll Make You Famous…




Brooke Burke Topless instagram Shoot Like She’s not 60 of the Day

Brooke Burke is in some instagram style topless shoot, that is very muted in Black and White cuz you don’t want High Definition color on this, you want the most pixelated shitty image around, grainy as fuck so you can’t see ANY detail, cuz she’s old as fuck…

So despite having accomplished little in her life, and despite having very little going for her but an active twitter, instagram, a large pervert fanbase that remember her from WILD ON, the best job a whore from Playboy could ever land, and 4 dozen kids with various men, the one thing she does have going for her is that she’s fucking fit….and willing to show her fake tits, cuz they are fake tits and are an extension of her, not actually part of her, anyone can get a set of these……it’s the life of fitness on a Playboy whore who still uses the same tactics to get noticed so that maybe people will give her another reality show….to showcase her insight that I am sure is really deep….cuz girl’s ego clearly needs some love.

Posted in:Brooke Burke