Their name is ANGEL SHANE and she has 62,000 followers on TikTok because despite TikTok being a way for CHINA to track ALL americans, since they own it, it’s also a great place to find the next generation of internet sensation.
Her bio is “I’ am 42 years old Married Shane oneill #peace??love?heappiness ?(l)lgbiq” what the fuck…..I had a stroke reading that…..
TIKTOK…and content like this on TIKTOK is far more interesting than INSTAGRAM, far less filtered, fake, bullshit people with QVC dreams of selling nonsens.
It is more creative and more comedic…and I am glad that videos like this go viral. This one has over 400k likes on it, because it’s that fucking good, it is ART if you will…..
This should be a podcast series, a youtube channel, I want these two unboxing, doing HAUL videos, and all the other trends of the internet….because it’d finally be worth watching…it’d finally discount all the garbage these fake fucks who think they are important, despite sucking, are doing…..we don’t care about what you think, or your “HEY GUYS” lies…you’re a puppet trying to get famous and I’m onto you..
While Angel is just an Angel….married to shane and paving the way for the future…this is the future.
Posted in:TIKTOK