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Archive for the TIKTOK Category




TikTok Fisting Video of the Day

As we all know, TikTok was designed to destroy the West, and it’s worked!

Chinese Spyware that’s far less annoying than the whiners of Twitter who all have disabiliities listed in their bios as they wait for the next person to misspeak to yell at about how non-inclusive you are, because the TikTok crowd is a mix of degenerates, sluts, all chasing the views, doing dumb things like cooking Chicken in Nyquil or whatever they are trying to prevent clout chasers are doing because it may kill them, when we should just let it kill them, you know if you’re too dumb to know, then maybe you’re too dumb to live!

Anyway, no idea what this face fisting video is about, but there’s a girl getting her mouth fisted, all dressed up so elegantly, like the classy that she is!

It’s been a weird series events and process watching all these normies turn into fetish content producers, there was a time when mouths weren’t getting fisted at parties, at least not by the hot chick and I’m not sure that’s a life any of you want to live!






TikTok Titties of the Day

MegNutt is big on TikTok but also big tits…something amazing to celebrate on Memorial Day cuz somethings aren’t meant to be forgotten…or masturbated to..






Big Titty TikTok of the Day

She has 5 million followers and her name is MegNutt, you can figure out why.


Posted in:TIKTOK




TikTok Transition of the Day

TikTok may be a horrible platform that is designed by CHINA as a spy took against America as they track and save all the data from all their users, who can potentially end up in important positions down the line…you know after they turn 18….because it’s all kids being perverts on there….but also, some could be children of important people right now that can offer some solid intel….either way, China is smarter than us.

TikTok may also be a horrible platform because it’s created by CHINA who know us better than we know ourselves as they’ve manufactured our goods for 20-30 years in their sweatshops, and with all that DATA they decided “a dance app where teen girls can be slutty is the answer to American dreams”….give people “likes, follows, views” and the platform will pop off….

I don’t fuck with TikTok….but I will say that the best thing that they’ve pulled off since their popularity has grown is the TIKTOK transition, you know some FILM SCHOOL shit, not that I went to film school, where people transition from shot to shot seamlessly, like they are stop motion or whatever….

That transition has been adopted by the sluts who get naked on the internet, as it should, why save it for lip synching choreographed dancing sluts who make millions a year thanks to their audience on TikTok, save some for the sluts who get nude…

This is one of those Transitions and I liked it.

Posted in:TIKTOK




Cas Summer Wins The Internet of the Day

I came across Cas Summer because her TikTok videos were going viral, since she’s got monster tits and has them flopping all over the motherfucking place in said TikTok videos, because that’s what you do when you have monster tits and if you don’t….you’re missing out on your chance to shine…

I assumed that she was just faking the TikTok, as porn girls do, where they do these side by side dances of clothed and unclothed that they don’t actually post on TikTok because China would theoretically get mad that the content is of someone who isn’t under the age of 12 dancing provocatively to lure in all the perverts so that when they take over the USA they know who to execute….you know they turn on your front camera and watch you jerk off to those very inappropriate things that people who should have better parents should stop them from producing…but it’s for likes and follows MOM….

I don’t actually have TikTok anywhere near me because I don’t trust spyware and I find the whole dance thing fucking stupid….I am a grown man and I hate dance so it can go fuck itself…but as it turns out Cas Summer is legit and these are her TikTok videos…where she shakes her titties in what you could argue is inappropriate for a social network, even one trying to steal the minds of all Americans with clickbait Americans are int….but that I think is perfectly appropriate because if you have tits this is precisely WHAT you should be doing.

In conclusion, TikTok is communist China weapons against America, that doesn’t just allow, but rewards young girls to dance slutty, because girls are slutty now, all because it lures people in….so that they can continue the brainwashing….scary stuff, but less scary when there are tits like this to crawl up into, at least in video…so comforting.


Posted in:TIKTOK




Busty Swim on TikTok of the Day

This is some trending video on TIKTOK, an app I don’t use because I don’t really give a fuck about people doing song and dance, pranks, challenges and stunts…the world is annoying enough as it is, I don’t need to subject myself to that.

I do know a lot of dudes loving TikTok because it’s a lot of half naked slutty girls being slutty for views, knowing that the SIMPS exist and that the day they turn 18 they’ll have to sell their panties to them, which will be much easier once they establish their millions of TikTok fans platform….because the girls on TikTok from all I’ve heard and seen are Chris D’Elia approved if you know what I mean….but like I said, I don’t fuck with TikTok…

I saw this on YOUTUBE, which I guess is repurposing TikTok, monetizing their content because they can even if it is inappropriate, or even illegal underage girl shit. So I did a quick search to see that in the last 22 hours it had 1.7 million views, so apparently you are all fucking Marine Biologists into fat girls who may be in KOREA based on the username, doing an underwater swim like you’re at a modern day sea world, where the whales are actually slutty girls showing off their big tits.

Who fucking knows, this is what viral looks like though, pretty basic…

Posted in:TIKTOK




The Best TikTok of the Day

Watch with the sound on…this is some car modelling hotness done RIGHT…





Old Granny TikTok of the Day

There’s an oufit swapping trend on TikTok, the Chinese spyware app that is tracking the American youth’s every move and they don’t care because they just want to song and dance man…

This is the outfit swapping trend video that went viral for the trend involving some girl in her instagram / CAM GIRL lingerie and her granny…who swap outfits in a terrifying yet brilliant exchange.

I ran this by my Millennial constituents / committee and they told me it was old news and that I’ve already seen it and may have even posted.

Luckily, I rely on you being more out of touch than me, so that when I put it up it’s new to you….

Not to mention this is so twisted, weird, hilarious, disturbing….hot…that I can’t repost it again if I have already posted it….

I just hope for the Granny’s sake, she didn’t get herpes or Chlamydia, you know kids these days…all banged out on dating apps and shit.





Not All Of Us Need to Fear the Coronavirus of the Day

For all you out there unable to score your sex workers, online girlfriends for random hook-ups, picking up randoms at the bar…this TIKTOK girl is for you. Her name is TRINITY and she can’t get the CORONAVIRUS…..at least not if you wipe her down with Lysol wipes.

I assume this is the future, when all of the influencers and TikTokers die from the virus, we will be left with the piles of sex dolls looted from the sex shops to replace our wives.

I know they are saying that the virus is worse for men than women, in part because those out of work are losing 20 cents more than women out of work, but also because we die easier from it, so this may not be a preview of the future or the singularity, or the artificial coming to take over and replace the humans…but rather just a reminder that influencers and tiktokers are basically fucking sex dolls, with a lack of substance, or soul…either way…this bitch won’t be getting the Coronavirus…

Posted in:TIKTOK|Videos




Influencers we Need Right Now

Their name is ANGEL SHANE and she has 62,000 followers on TikTok because despite TikTok being a way for CHINA to track ALL americans, since they own it, it’s also a great place to find the next generation of internet sensation.

Her bio is “I’ am 42 years old Married Shane oneill #peace??love?heappiness ?(l)lgbiq” what the fuck…..I had a stroke reading that…..

TIKTOK…and content like this on TIKTOK is far more interesting than INSTAGRAM, far less filtered, fake, bullshit people with QVC dreams of selling nonsens.

It is more creative and more comedic…and I am glad that videos like this go viral. This one has over 400k likes on it, because it’s that fucking good, it is ART if you will…..

This should be a podcast series, a youtube channel, I want these two unboxing, doing HAUL videos, and all the other trends of the internet….because it’d finally be worth watching…it’d finally discount all the garbage these fake fucks who think they are important, despite sucking, are doing…..we don’t care about what you think, or your “HEY GUYS” lies…you’re a puppet trying to get famous and I’m onto you..

While Angel is just an Angel….married to shane and paving the way for the future…this is the future.

Posted in:TIKTOK