I'll Make You Famous…




Rita Ora’s Slutty Earth Day Video of the Day

I randomly came across Rita Ora’s instagram when looking for tits to post on this bullshit site no one reads but that I am in the routine of updating, even though they say if you do the same thing over and over and expect different results you’re crazy, despite not expecting any results, I just do it cuz I don’t know what else to do with myself..

While 7-10 minutes ago (depending on how long it took me to write this), Rita Ora posted a slutty tribute set to a shitty song – PRESS MUTE – to celebrate Earth Day…because I guess Celebrating the EARTH is about CELEBRATING yourself when you’re a narcissitic cunt with great tits who thinks she can be a pop star, despite 10 years of trying to be a popstar, and not actually having any hits…

Her MONTAE is a few slutty over the shoulder butt shots, her on her COMPUTER, cuz nothing says SAVE the Earth like a computer….

Fucking idiot…

Humans are the VIRUS, the earth is finally chilling nice and relaxed with 50% less air polution cuz of lockdown…we killed this thing we call home like the assholes we are…and the best thing for the planet is the death of all the useless fucks…coupled with the ELECTRIC car.

Point being…this Earth day video should have been her fucking some dirt…and it’s not.

Posted in:Rita Ora