Ashley Tisdale is one of those characters who is a point of contention on the site. I don’t actually know what a point of contention even means but I figure it means someone we argue about, not that we actually argue, I don’t care about your opinion but I get emails sent it from people mad I call her ugly, or with what they think is photo evidence of her hotness to prove me wrong.
What people don’t realize is that my baseline or benchmark or standards are pretty high for celebrities for obvious reasons. If they are going to benefit from being famous for being the hot chick, they better be the fucking hot chick. Not some average Walmart Cashier looking bitch, who as a Walmart cashier would be hot but as an actress who is as a baseline should be exceptionally hotter than the cashier at Walmart you’d be down to fuck….
My standards in actual life are more “is she an actual she and alive? Done”….
So it’s not a me thinking I deserve a hotter chick than Tisdale, it’s just me saying I see hotter chicks than Tisdale anytime I leave the damn house…and I expect more from Disney.
They could have hired ANYONE, but chose this to be their golden High School Musical babe…it just seems like we were oversold on some shit.
This is her bikini titties…
Posted in:Ashley Tisdale