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Girls Who Smoke Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed Girl Wednesday

The site may be called DrunkenStepfather, but I know that Alcohol is poison no matter how addicted I may be to it. It’s like a smoker who keeps smoking knowing it causes cancer…we’re all going to die someday might as well make our time here fun until our livers scar up and we accidentally shit it out one day…..

So DrunkenStepfather or not, I’m all about anything that fucks us up and takes us out of this state of sober, at least anything but prescription pills…I don’t trust the evil corporations….but I do trust a fucking plant…

The idea that HUMANS banned a fucking plant because when you smoke it, it relaxes you, lets you fucus, gets rid of your chronic pain, relaxes all your muscles…is the real fucking crime in America…not that America was build on slavery or that the slaves still exist as prison workers…but that a fucking plant anyone can grow over the course of 16 weeks has flowers you can dry and smoke and get all these amazing HEALTH benefits from….is banned…is just proof that big business is evil…they want you on their meds, they want you on their opiates that were totally legal, they want you in their healthcare system…they don’t want you taking holistic approaches to life….fucking MENTAL.

I’m sure weed will eventually be legalized in the USA, anyone contesting it is a fucking racist and a fucking idiot who could probably benefit from smoking weed, and even if you hate the stuff because it makes your girlie pussy have a panic attack….you’ll appreciate some hot chicks with weed…..the way NATURE intended….you fucking idiots.


Posted in:Weed