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Nude Underwater Shoot on Youtube of the Day

I’ve been saying that Youtube is a creepy porn site since its inception. I just know how dudes are and the second they have a chance to google anything, it’s going to be “naked chicks”, “nudity”, “titties”, “sex”, “Porn”….

If you do a search for tits or vagina or gynecological exams or bikini wax tutorials….you’ll find straight up pussy….

Google tries to downplay the sex content on youtube and really the volume of traffic from google searches about sex, which I am sure account for more than 75% of their views, making it the biggest porn platform on the internet, because they “white wash it”, only their “white wash” is more “pretend it’s mainstream, non sexual and safe.

Then there’s the whole youtube being a hub for teen girls to post provocative videos that you know are being viewed by fucking creeps….like them trying on bathing suits, jumping on trampolines, dancing like they are on TikTok….because they clearly have no parents…and you know that 90 percent of those views aren’t other kids checking in.

For whatever reason it’s not policed or regulated, the owners are some of the richest in the world, sitting on their LIE and laughing….because all corproations are fucking EVIL…

This is a video presented as “Art” of a girl naked underwater, to remind you that GOOGLE is porn.

Then in even better YOUTUBE weirdness….check out this video of girls giving each other wedgies from February…on a channel called “sexy videos”…with 500,000 views…you’d think they’d catch it…

There there’s this guy with the best TWERKS….

Posted in:Videos