I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner Still Ugly of the Day

Kendall Jenner gets a lot of hype for being the hot Kardashian because they packaged her and sold her to the fashion industry that I guess was looking for bottom feeding trash that could promote their luxury items to the idiotic masses and what better spokesperson than some Kardashian trash, they are the most influential AVON ladies to ever hit the mean streets of Los Angeles country…

The reality is that she’s skinny which clearly goes a long way, but also ugly, both physically and at her core because she was raised to be the fucking worst type of human in a family of the worst type of human.

So despite all the surgery, injections, attempt to be high fashion, when she’s not in a shoot, she looks like the barista at Starbucks level of hot, you know the not the hottest girl in class, but the one who thinks she’s the hottest girl in class….you know the vibe…we’re being fucking lied to bro…and that is why these idiots are winning…because people believe their evil lies…maybe they believe their evil lies…but I am sure they are too busy laughing as they count their endless supply of money…

Anyway, I saw her in her bikini and said “I like girls in bikinis” then I saw her face and was like “what the fuck is that dude?”….

This is AFTER all of the work she’s had done by the family plastic surgeon they keep in the basement with Bruce’s dick….from fat sucked out of one body part and put into her ass and tits, to the whole BOTOX and FILLER things, she’s a fucking clown in costume….She’s rich, but she’s trash….but at least she’s skinny…because there is good to everything, even the worst possible thing, like the Kardashians…the “if covid was a family” pieces of shit.

I guess they are trying to generate hype, hiring paparazzi, knowing no one gives a fuck about them…and that they may eventually fucking end, but I doubt it…because they just keep on fucking winning.


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