I'll Make You Famous…




Jade Chynoweth Panty Dance of the Day

Her name is Jade Chynoweth she’s a 22 year old “Dancer” and “Actress” who has been in some movies like Batman VS Superman, but more hilariously lame a Step Up (Stomp the Yard) series on Youtube based on the lame as fuck Step Up that didn’t need an offshoot or spinoff series…yet for some reason, it happened and people got more rich off it….probably similar to the whole Hamilton crazy that I’ve seen clips of and hated every second of that appropriating shit…yet that Juan Migueal Lin Manual motherfucker made 75 million last year for it…reminding me that it probably took him the same amount of time I spend blogging in a week to write that shit….

POINT BEING…any dancer who isn’t working as a stripper disappoints me, it’s like they broke through because the world likes dance, at least that’s what TikTok taught me and the fact that girls who dance can make it without stripping, and I mean REALLY MAKE IT, some of the top TikTok girls are making 5 million a year to lip sync and gyrate their teen bodies that should be considered criminal on some sex offender shit but for some reason the world views it as fine….

Anyway, dancers, once you get past the cringe of watching them dance, are fit, have stamina and can ride a dick better than a fat slob…so keep that in mind watching this Jade bitch…

here she is at the lake..


Posted in:Jade Chynoweth